Sunday, December 31, 2017

Flash Stories & Poetry Day 51: Poem "Tempted by Forces Damned"

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Believe it or not, that's still completely accurate to say since it is still the Christmas season, though I will confess myself chuffed. I seemed to have gotten into proper Christmas spirit from the 27th to the 29th and I was finally able to relax from my problems, but now they're back. Damn anxiety. Anyway, seeing as how this is New Year's Eve, Happy New Year as well though I confess myself not excited for 2018. 2017 felt great, but 2018 feels like sh*t.

Anyway, before 2017 ends, I wanted to do one more "daily" writing exercise poem. This one is actually an edited version of the one I wrote for Day 48, although it still doesn't feel finished. I only feel like I have half it, but perhaps I can birth forth the rest of it. I also don't know what style of poem it is as it's a mixture of different things.

As for whether or not I'm going to continue doing daily writing exercises, at this time, I don't know. My anxiety and depression has hit hard, and I don't feel like doing them any longer. I feel it more necessary to focus on my other writings while trying to get a job. Plus, I want to experiment with my blog a little and branch out into other topics. So, we'll see what happens.

The Poem:

Tempted by forces damned,
To put my desires under command,
To use their powers dark,
Regardless of how my soul is mark'd.

With needs unmet,
   suffering for my art,
     poetry is born,
        art from adversity--the great irony.

Material is immaterial,
Goods are superfluous,
In the world, but not of.

Master passion greed is not,
Master passion desire is to be
Operatic Liberty

Forsaken by the Lord,
Suffering under faith, hope, and charity,
Tempted by forces dark,
Despite how I may be mark'd,
To use their command
And achieve my desires damned.

Forswear God to vow to Satan
To forswear the world and end my misery;
What great irony,
Deliver myself to the Deceiver
To be delivered from his deceptions.

What a wretched wastrel I have become...

Well, it's not great... Seriously, it's not quite what I want, but it's pretty close. Closer than it was a few minutes ago. It's amazing what a few simple changes can do to a piece of poetry. But anyway, if you're a little confused, it's meaning is pretty much this: I've been praying to God and hoping for some kind of deliverance from my problems, it's not happening, so I've been thinking about turning elsewhere to get what I want. But what's ironic about that is that if I was smitten with money from the Prince of Darkness, I'd then turn around and give most of it away while keeping what I need to sustain myself and jumpstart my writing career during which I would continue to praise God, write prayers, and talk mad sh*t about the Devil and his servants. So, it's kind of hilarious; God won't give me what I want despite my intentions for it because I wouldn't have earned it, and the Devil won't likewise because he would be out the soul he bargained for it. Ain't that a kick in the sh*t? Also, there's some angst in there about disowning the material world in general and not just the mindless pursuit of wealth and possessions.
Anyone who says religion is easy or an escape can kiss my ass.

But anyway, that's it for today. If you have the time, please check out my books for sale on Amazon which you can find through my author page. The link is below. Also, I reworked my Patreon page, so why not give it a look and consider becoming my patron. I would appreciate it.

More About Bryan C. Laesch:

My Works:

Amazon: My Author Page, My Influencer Page
Facebook: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar
Patreon: Bryan C. Laesch
Twitter: BryanofallTrade
Youtube: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

22 People Share The One Thing They Wish The INTJs In Their Lives Understood: A Response to Thought Catalog

Hey, everyone.

So, I know I said I was going to allow to the INTJ posts to suffer a little, but I still need to put something out on the INTJ front and I haven't done much with the blog in the past few days due to the holiday, so something is due despite my job search and the other thing I should be writing for RWBY. Anyway...

So, I was going to do another response post, but I got distracted by Pinterest and I found another article that got me really fired up from Thought Catalog called "22 People Share The One Thing They Wish The INTJs In Their Lives Understood." So I've decided to respond to this one instead.
1. “You’re a brilliant group of people. But sometimes things don’t need to serve a purpose to have a place in your life. Try to enjoy some things just because.” –ENFJ
This is a paradox because enjoying something just because is a reason despite not appearing to be a reason. Doing something or enjoying something for the sake of something is still something. And generally, whenever someone enjoys something for the sake of it, it's because they enjoy it to some extent meaning it's either fun or a diversion, which again, is a reason and not an un-reason. So, eat us.
2. “Emotions aren’t as scary as they sound. I promise. Stop being an android.” –ESFP
Sounds to me like this ESFP doesn't understand INTJs in the least. We do have emotions, but for several good reasons, we keep them hidden. And, being called an "android" offends me. So, eat me.
3. “Don’t be condescending to others, I know it is easy to write everyone off as idiots, but sometimes others have valuable points of views as well.” –INTJ
This is decent advice, but if you act like an idiot, expect to be treated like one.
4. “I get that feelings are weird for you to express, but you have to give me SOMETHING to work with here. I’m trying to get to know you!” –ENFP
Look harder. Emotion can be found within bland statements of fact. Both beliefs and ideals can be found in statements that don't possess any emotion, but looking beyond the surface can bewray emotion. And that is a way of getting to know someone. Sounds to me like you're not the most perspective or introspective person.
5. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. Everyone makes mistakes, even you. Also, don’t be so hard on others. Everyone makes mistakes, even you.” –INFP
Sure, everyone makes mistakes, but that doesn't make them acceptable. Mistakes cost time, money, efficiency, understanding. They should be avoided and eradicated at all costs.
6. “Just because I’m an extrovert doesn’t mean you can’t hurt my feelings!” –ENFJ
I don't know what sort of knob did that to you, but on the behalf of all INTJs, I'm sorry. Though, it's not likely an INTJ hurt your feelings because you're an Extravert, it's more likely to be because you presented yourself as a people person or one of those types who are always happy or wastefully cheerful. If you want to be treated like a human, act like a human. Humans are not one-dimensional. 
7. “Your mind is incredible. Please share your thoughts with the world. Your mouth is quiet but your mind is loud with ideas and theories and ambitions. Don’t hide these from a world that so desperately needs them. And, please take it easy on us Feeling types. We need people like you to keep us together.” –ENFP
Well, I appreciate the first half, but if people aren't going to stop and ask for our advice, we're not going to share, and we're not going to be able to if you don't shut up long enough for us to jump into the conversation. As for keeping you together, we only have so much patience. Sure, we breakdown and lose it too, but if you're an absolute mess when you fall apart, we're not going to deal with it. Especially if it happens often or in cycles. We've got better things to do. Clean up after yourself.
8. “Don’t be so cynical. Try to access that introverted feeling function.” –INTJ
I don't have a response for this.
9. “You’re smart and I like that. But we’re never going to get along if you insist on behaving like a know-it-all. Please show some respect to the rest of us.” –ISFJ
While not even other INTJs will put up with INTJ know-it-alls, keep in mind that respect is earned, not given. You want to be respected, do something that is worthy of respect. On the other hand, if you're being perfectly reasonable and someone still isn't respecting you, walk away. You don't need to waste your time with that person.
10. “Warmth does not equal insincerity. If you take time and get to know us better, you will be surprised at how similar we actually are.” –ENFJ
True, but unless you're in a relationship with us or close to us, you're not going to get sincere warmth. You get one or the other, not both, especially in a professional setting. And unless we see the value in getting to know you better, we're not interested regardless of similarities.
11. “It’s ok to feel hurt. You don’t have to disguise your hurt with anger or by pretending you don’t care.” –ENFP
It's not okay. It's messy and time-consuming. It distracts from the business at hand. It's inefficient. As one who has suffered greatly from a sort of hurt recently, I can tell you that I would do and give anything to be over it. I hate it. I want it gone!
12. “People who are more vulnerable and candid are more likable; be more authentic, and you might get more accomplished.” –ENTJ
Well, I have heard this elsewhere, so it's probably true. And believe me, by keeping this blog, I have allowed a truly unique opportunity for others to see into the mind of an INTJ. This is a type of vulnerability and candidness that you cannot buy from INTJs. However, don't expect this intimate of a perspective out in the world. INTJs are better at expressing themselves through writing than through speech, and one of the reasons for that is because I'm not talking directly to someone. It's much more difficult to say these sort of things to someone's face than through a screen.
Also, INTJs will carve their own path their own way. We will force our way. Our wills are indomitable.
13. “Man I love you for your raw passion. Few people do intensity so well. But sometimes you hide behind these webs of rationalization, and you spin yourself so deep I can’t figure out where we started or where we’re going. Slow down. Feel the world, but don’t let its chaos overwhelm you. Drink water. Stretch. Take a walk. Cry. It’ll be okay.” –INFJ
First, you praise the strength of our intensity, and then you tell us to lighten up. F*ck you. Also, if you can't keep up, that's your issue, not ours. If we like you, we'll happily explain it again, but after a while, if you still don't get it, just go with it or, if you can't stomach that, walk away. We don't expect anything from you that we don't expect from ourselves.
14. “Don’t be so quick to assume that you are always the smartest person in the room. Being harshly critical of others is not always a socially intelligent move. And social intelligence gets you places.” –ENFP
I personally don't always assume myself to be the smartest person in the room. I mean, I do feel special in some way that is far and away very different from everyone else in the room, but I'm not usually thinking about other people's intelligences unless they've just said something smart or stupid. But, social intelligence, like I told the ENTJ, we'll carve our own path our own way.
15. “Lay back a little, not all of your time needs to be productive, some of the best moments happen when you are chilling and realize something.” –ENTP
Dude, we play video games and read. What more do you want?
16. “There is more to life than straight lines and lists. Some problems don’t have three-step solutions. And I know you know that, but please try to let it resonate in your heart, not just your cranium, as impressive as it may be. You’re more than your brains. Don’t be afraid to break rules, or at least bend them. Please.” –ISTP
The thing about this critique is that it inherently pisses me off because it feels like a direct criticism, as if we can't solve everything with our approach, even though, in theory we should always be able to. But on the other hand, I know all too well what ISTP getting at.
I don't always follow my rational mind when it comes to making to decisions. You know that "sort of hurt" I mentioned earlier? Part of its origin is that I was acting logical when I didn't want to act logical, and it made me feel trapped. And while there are a lot of big things you should never do an INTJ, taking away our freedom is one of the biggest and most important.
So, when we take away our own freedom, you can't imagine a deeper well and stronger form of self-loathing. My whole life, I've never related to the character George Bailey from It's A Wonderful Life, in fact, I don't even like the movie that much, but this Christmas, it hit me right in the feels. I was brought to f*cking tears. I know all too well the desire for escape no matter what the cost. Even at the destruction of my own life and the betrayal of everyone and everything I care about.
17. “Being perfect is an impossible dream.” -ISFJ
Hold my beer, and watch this.
On a more reasonable note though, there's a saying I like, "Aim for the moon, because even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." So, don't get in the way of my pursuit for perfection. Regardless of where I end up at the end of it all, it'll be somewhere far greater than if I had never tried.
18. “Sometimes you need to decide if you want to be right or if you want to be happy.” –ISTJ
No, I don't. I can't. I cannot be happy and wrong at the same time because that means something is fundamentally flawed, and therefore wrong with my thinking or my existence and that cannot be allowed to stand. Happiness, and therefore peace, can only exist when everything is properly in order and aligned. Ergo, being right and being happy are the same thing.
19. “It’s ok to not enjoy raucous parties and social gatherings. It’s ok to only be able to bond one on one. It’s ok to have high standards of friendship and value those few close friends intensely. Don’t be bothered by those who may fail to understand and appreciate you.” –INTJ
I don't know why an INTJ would say this to another INTJ. Now, if an INTJ didn't know he was INTJ, this advice would do him a lot of good, but once you know you're an INTJ, none of these things bother you any longer because of the revelation of being an INTJ comes with all this insight. 
20. “Do not be quick to write someone off if they appear unintelligent. You may miss opportunities to learn things from unexpected sources. Be willing to change your mind about people instead of sticking to your first impression.” –ENTP
I don't have a response for this. This is actual good advice.
21. “Your friends need your insight; it’s a precious gift meant to be shared. Let it out a little more often.” –INFJ
Like I told ENFP above (#7), if you don't ask for it or don't give me the opportunity to share it, you're not going to get it. If you need help, ask for it; if you think someone has something to say that's worth hearing, shut the f*ck up and listen.
22. “Not everything in life is factual.” –INFJ
That is factually untrue. Everything can be broken down into facts. Anger is anger, and sadness is sad. Those are facts despite being emotions.
What you mean to say is that not everything is rational, or at the least, factually rational. Again, going back to my freedom problem, it is rationally irresponsible for me to turn down a job that is such a sure thing especially when I don't have something more reliable lined up, but when I factor in several things about the job I vehemently don't like and I see that job itself as a huge loss of freedom and detriment to my existence in general, then I am compelled to ignore rationality and heed my intuition to flee it.
So, that was it. It was a rather interesting experience. The first time I read many of these, I was offended because they felt like personal attacks. It felt like they were telling INTJs to stop being INTJs, and if INTJs stopped being INTJs, we would not be INTJs, and that cannot be. There is no personality better than our own.
But, having worked on this for the past hour and a half, I see some of them in a much softer light. Some of them are just pleas for INTJs not to be so rough. Unfortunately, unless you're really close to us, that's not likely to change. But there are still some that just straight up piss me off (#'s 2, 4, 13, 15, 17, 18, and 22). These people either don't know what an INTJ is, don't understand what an INTJ is, or they're immature themselves.
But, that's it for now. I hope to have a post out sometime soon about how knowing I'm an INTJ has changed me life for the better as well as a post about why INTJs should be religious. But, I'd like to the former out first because I think it would go well with New Year's. And because I haven't said it to this audience yet, Merry Christmas. And no, it's not late. Ever heard of the twelve days of Christmas? Yeah, exactly.
Keep writing, my friends.
More About Bryan C. Laesch:

My Works:

Amazon: My Author Page, My Influencer Page
Facebook: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar
Patreon: Bryan C. Laesch
Twitter: BryanofallTrade
Youtube: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Flash Stories & Poetry Day 50: Sonnet "A Christmas Sonnet"

Merry Christmas, everyone.

I know, I know. I'm writing this on the 26th. But, technically, today is the second day of Christmas. Christmas goes all the way until the 6th, known as the Epiphany or Three Kings' Day, so my wishes to you are not in vain.

Anyway, "today's" writing exercise is supposed to be a sonnet, and I was planning on doing a special Christmas sonnet. I tried working on it multiple times last evening and it hasn't come along very well yet. Maybe I'll write it now and share it tomorrow as I am so tired, I am dragging ass. But first, I wanted to mention some things. Because I'm still anxious about finding a job and there are other things I wanted to finish before the end of next week, I think this or the next poem I'm going to write will the last poem(s) of the year. I need to find a job and I need to distract my mind. And since I haven't been keeping good track of this little project, now would be the time for a break. I'm sorry to disappoint you. But maybe if this project goes rare for a while, I'll make a case for myself as to why people should support me on Patreon, not to mention, I'd like to turn out higher quality poems, short stories, and creative non-fiction posts. But if I have a major windfall, I will try to keep this up for as long as I possibly can.

Anyway, today's style is sonnet.

This day is the feast of Christ's advent,
The day of sinners' reclamation;
On this morn, let hatred and sin be rent
In the Name of our needed redemption.

At His Mass, His spirit we shall spread,
Every knee shall bend before the King;
He came to call everyone, living and dead,
Unto Him, every bell shall toll and ring.

Let us go forth and bear glad tidings,
And may the world come to Him and rejoice;
His message to our souls shall be guiding,
Blessings mighty to them who hear His voice.

Now, let us go forth and spread His cheer,
With family, dinner, gifts, and drinking beer.

I have no idea how long that actually took, but it must've been around a half hour. Anyway, I didn't mean to make the poem so religious at first. It was originally going to be about all the traditions and activities we do at Christmas and the twist at the end was going to be about how we can't do that anymore because of how snowed in we are. We got a buttload of snow here in Michigan. A true white Christmas.

But then, I was listening to all the really religious Christmas carols and it became one giant poem of worship with a slight sarcastic twist ending. I'm not attacking the commercialism or the other nonreligious things we do at Christmas, I just needed a twist because that's what sonnets are about in the last two lines. But besides that, this poem is alright. It did suck, but I changed some of the lines, and the timing is better.
But anyway, that's it for today. If you want to use the wheel I made, you should be able to access it here. And if you have the time, please check out my books for sale on Amazon which you can find through my author page. The link is below. Also, I reworked my Patreon page, so why not give it a look and consider becoming my patron. I would appreciate it.

Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noel, Fröhliche Weihnachten, Buon Natale, Feliz Navidad, Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia, and Mele Kalikimaka.

More About Bryan C. Laesch:

My Works:

Amazon: My Author Page, My Influencer Page
Facebook: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar
Patreon: Bryan C. Laesch
Twitter: BryanofallTrade
Youtube: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Flash Stories & Poetry Day 49: Dramatic Monologue "The Torture of My Soul"

Hey, everyone.

So, today is Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas. I'll probably say the same tomorrow for tomorrow's writing, but you can't be wished a Merry Christmas too many times. Anyway, today's style is dramatic monologue. Now, technically, a dramatic monologue can be any piece that is read by a single person to an audience as if being spoken to another person or character. Audition-type stuff. But, when I was in high school, I was taught a dramatic monologue was a type of poem, formed in heroic couplets, and about 25 to 35 lines long. So, I wrote one just like that. I called it Mortal Sin and it was dynamite. Basically, it was the angel Uriel telling a douchebag how villainous he was and to repent. And as much as I'd love to show you the revised version, here and now, I really should write something original.

Thirty minutes on the clock: 30:00. And... go.

Behold the torture of my soul!
Give witness to the freedoms you stole!
Giving foul advice has led me here,
A life unrequited, how do I endear?
By sheer tenacity and on a dream,
I push through and write what I deem.
The morrow is barren of promises,
But I shall not fall and be dishonest.
Though I seek the easy answer,
I shan't sell my soul to that Dark Prancer.
For wherefore doth he want it so badly,
That he would strike a deal with me gladly?
I shall cuckold him and rely on One
Whose power can make the darkness shunned.
But being sworn to that great Halidom,
Is no easy task--what of my kingdom?
What of my opera? Shall I lose them
By paying my debts by mining for gems?
Alas, 'tis a wicked fate served upon me,
Served to one who only wants to be free.

Stop the clock! Forty seconds left. Phew! That took longer than I expected. I really thought I wouldn't finish. Point of fact, I'm really not. Twenty lines really aren't enough to express everything I wanted, but I was running out of time. But, for the most part, it's fairly decent as a poem. It only really loses the plot in the last four or six lines.
By the way, "prancer" is a word that means a "mettlesome or fiery horse." Seeing "fiery" in there, I was like, "Oh yes. The Devil's going in here." Plus, I never knew that that was what Prancer meant. Puts a whole new spin on one of Santa's reindeer. Puts an even more whole new spin on Prancer when I compare him to the Devil.
But anyway, that's it for today. I think I might keep it up with the poetry for a while. I find it very conducive for some reason. Plus, think of all the kick ass things I'm writing. And if you have the time, please check out my books for sale on Amazon which you can find through my author page. The link is below. Also, I reworked my Patreon page, so why not give it a look and consider becoming my patron. I would appreciate it.

Keep writing, my friends.

More About Bryan C. Laesch:

My Works:

Amazon: My Author Page, My Influencer Page
Facebook: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar
Patreon: Bryan C. Laesch
Twitter: BryanofallTrade
Youtube: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Flash Stories & Poetry Day 48: Quatrain "Tempted by Forces Dark"

Hey, everyone.

So, as usual for this week, I'm starting on this super late. That's what happens when you have a lot to do on a Saturday and forget to set your alarm clock. Anyway, today I'm supposed to write a quatrain, but I have no idea what the hell to write about. I don't feel depressed anymore, but I'm still definitely anxious and still worried about my financial situation. To be honest, I kind of don't want this poem to be about anything. I kind of just want to throw up nice sounding gibberish and see if it gets me anywhere. I'll still try to keep it as a quatrain though.

Thirty minutes on the clock: 30:00. And... go.

Midway through the journey of life, I found
Myself in a dark forest for the clear
Path had been lost. To this fate I am bound,
Trapped within the darkness and my own fear.

Though there is meaning in the life I live,
I have lost meaning in my life's purpose;
Much of my life I wish I could relive,
Though that would mean losing my corpus.

If I was born to write, why am I tried,
Tested and judged for choosing to write?
For choosing poverty, I have no bride,
And many consider my life a blight.

Heeding the advice of others has misled me,
And now my debts and desires are at odds;
That which I desire most is to be free,
But I cannot when I am driven by rods.

I pray to be delivered, but I am not,
Why pray if my pleas are not accepted?
Should I seek relief from those I am fraught?
By those dark powers, I am tempted.

Wherefore should I suffer and struggle?
What will it cost me? Naught but my soul.
If that is the case, what should I smuggle?
Whom should I rob, cozen, and cajole?

Oncet say a friend to me, today is better
Than whatever fetter ten years ago;
Though today I possess many letters,
My life is not a desirable show.

Well, much like my mood, this poem is contemptible. I mean, I feel kind of... blah, so while there is some bleak stuff in there, the delivery is all wrong. Some words straight up suck, the phrasing is bad, and the time gets lost a lot. I'm not sure what to blame it on. Though I can't seem to escape these torturous, self-pitying poems, when I'm tired and not feeling "it," I can't help writing bleak poetry. It just happens. As for the first line, yes, I stole that from Dante's Inferno--I thought it might give me a start, and, it did, but not the start I really wanted. I also think ten syllables is too much for any poem that isn't a sonnet. Quatrains should probably be much shorter. Oh well.
(What's also unfortunate is I just thought of the boffo title for this piece, "Tempted by Forces Dark." That's a lovely bit of poetry. That would make a stupendous poem. I'm going to hold onto that for later.)
That's it for today. If you have the time, please check out my books for sale on Amazon which you can find through my author page. The link is below. Also, I reworked my Patreon page, so why not give it a look and consider becoming my patron. I would appreciate it.

Keep writing, my friends.

More About Bryan C. Laesch:

My Works:

Amazon: My Author Page, My Influencer Page
Facebook: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar
Patreon: Bryan C. Laesch
Twitter: BryanofallTrade
Youtube: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar

Friday, December 22, 2017

Flash Stories & Poetry Day 47: Prayer "A Christmas Prayer"

Hey, everyone.

So, as I've mentioned before, I prepare these in advance, especially this week and especially for this one. I had wanted to do a Christmas prayer, but only if it turned up in the spinning of the wheel, and it did, so... Today's style is... Prayer. But more than that though, it's a Christmas prayer. Not just simply for the sake of the season, but because there was a Christmas prayer I read not that long ago that I quite liked. I came across it from either Beliefnet or someone else I'm subscribed to. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find it since, but I do remember being blown away by how surprisingly good it was. All the rest are sort of chintzy or mundane or predictable like. So, here's my version of a Christmas prayer. Just know, it was inspired by key lines from Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. And when I say "inspired," I mean I stole them and remade them for my purposes.

Almighty God,

As the season of Thy Son falls upon us,
let us remember the spirit and purpose
of this feast:

Let us not fetter ourselves in chains,
girded by our own free will
remaining captive, bound, and double-
ironed by evanescent pursuits.

Let us not misuse our life's opportunity,
but find the vast means of our
usefulness as Christian spirits
working at Thy business of charity,
mercy, forbearance, and benevolence.

And by Thy strength and grace,
may we be better than our word
doing it all and infinitely more,
able to keep Christmas well
the whole year round. May we
be as good a people as the world
could ever know.


Well, it's not perfect, but it's pretty good. I don't want to use the word "people" because it seems to too generic and not purpose-built enough, but most other words that I could find that might have worked, church, parish, nation, kingdom, halidom, they all seemed too specific or didn't fit the rhythm of the prayer right. Not to mention, with the mention of "Christian spirits" earlier in the prayer, it doesn't feel like "people" needs to be anymore specific than it is because "Christian spirits" pretty much answers what sort of people we should be.
But anyway, that's it for today. If you have the time, please check out my books for sale on Amazon which you can find through my author page. The link is below. Also, I reworked my Patreon page, so why not give it a look and consider becoming my patron. For little as a buck from everyone who reads this, I can keep writing without needing a "real job."

Keep writing, my friends.

More About Bryan C. Laesch:

My Works:

Amazon: My Author Page, My Influencer Page
Facebook: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar
Patreon: Bryan C. Laesch
Twitter: BryanofallTrade
Youtube: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Flash Stories & Poetry Day 46: Lyric "Truest Love"

Hey, everyone.

So, yesterday's riddle turned out alright. Unfortunately, I'm still feeling depressed so today's poem might likewise be dark and drab.

Wheel of Genres, turn, turn, turn! Tell me the genre I will discern!

Today's style is... Lyric.

I looked at the last lyric I wrote, the High School Crush one from day 20. It was nice and talked about "love." So, I'll give that whirl this time. But, since I'm still in a dark mood, guess what? It's going to be a depressing poem about love... or at the least unexpected.

Thirty minutes on the clock: 30:00. And... go.

For whom doth my heart sing and meet my love,
That one maiden for whom my heart is behove?
In sooth, she is a lass of utmost value,
With mild wit, strong virtue, and a beauty, too?

Nay, I can't say, for no such girl is part
And privy to the depths of my heart.
So, what then is my dearest love, that force
Which gives life meaning and secures the course?

Two desires claim not my heart but my mind,
They claim my life and put me in a bind;
One desire is for my art, that blighting,
Biting, blessing style known as writing.

Within the craft and smithing of words,
That is where I can find one of my lords;
But what of the other? What other desire
Could claim me and set my soul afire?

Why, that desire is for one above all,
A temptation that has made many men fall;
My greatest yearning is for liberty,
Aye, my greatest desire is to be free.

I look through the world and see naught but chains,
People leading lives trapped within reins;
What would I do for freedom is the question,
Why, I would surrender all my possessions.

The freedom to write is what I desire most,
That would be a life worthy of boast;
Losing this freedom is what I fear,
I cannot surrender that which is most dear.

Unfortunately, I can't say stop the clock as I definitely wrote past time. I also got distracted toward the end with a phone call and then I got sucked back into the job search. But, this poem, some parts of it are pretty muddled and just sort of "enh..." But there are other parts that are really good. This could be reworked into something dynamite.
Also, it's 100% true. I don't have a girlfriend, and my greatest desire is to the have the freedom to write, but looking for and having a job is causing me a lot of distress. You should see my eyes; I have these huge bags under them. But, I think a lot of the poetry I've written recently about my money and writing woes say more than my eyes ever could.
But anyway, that's it for today. If you want to use the wheel I made, you should be able to access it here. And if you have the time, please check out my books for sale on Amazon which you can find through my author page. The link is below. Also, I reworked my Patreon page, so why not give it a look and consider becoming my patron. I would appreciate it.

Keep writing, my friends.

More About Bryan C. Laesch:

My Works:

Amazon: My Author Page, My Influencer Page
Facebook: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar
Patreon: Bryan C. Laesch
Twitter: BryanofallTrade
Youtube: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Flash Stories & Poetry Day 45: Riddle "Greatest Coil and Liberty"

Hey, everyone.

So, unfortunately, today was alright, but this evening was terrible. I don't know why. All my anxieties, worries, and concerns hit me like a brick. Should make for a good riddle though.

Wheel of Genres, turn, turn, turn! Tell me the genre I will discern!

Today's style is... Riddle.

Thirty minutes on the clock: 30:00. And... go.

What is it...

     That gives a man unparalleled joy
       and untold misery,

     That spells doom upon a woman's brow
       and frightens a child?

What is it...

     That fetters a man in fruitless pursuits
       and reveals him to be naught
          but hollow and ash?

What is it...

     That could cause a man to forsake his lover,
       to surrender his title and possessions?

What is it...

     That gives a man reason and purpose beyond all
       but reveals him to be mad?

What is the answer to a question with all bearing,
     but questions all un-bearing answers?

What causes a man to be of the world but not in it,
     and in the world, but not of it?

One who knows nothing, can understand nothing;
     and one who understands nothing, can know nothing.

To what end will a man make his existence shudder,
     and what existence shudders a man's end?

Thus is the world's greatest coil and greatest liberty.

I would say stop the clock, but I wasn't keeping the time. Regardless, this only took about ten or fifteen minutes. I quite like it. I feel like this captures the sorrow of my soul quite well. (Hm, that's a nice poetic phrase.) 
But anyway, that's it for today. If you want to use the wheel I made, you should be able to access it here. And if you have the time, please check out my books for sale on Amazon which you can find through my author page. The link is below. Also, I reworked my Patreon page, so why not give it a look and consider becoming my patron. I would appreciate it.

Keep writing, my friends.

More About Bryan C. Laesch:

My Works:

Amazon: My Author Page, My Influencer Page
Facebook: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar
Patreon: Bryan C. Laesch
Twitter: BryanofallTrade
Youtube: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

INTJ Problems: 13 Ways You Are An INTJ: A Response to personalitygrowth

Hey, everyone.

I'm sorry to have to do this to all of you, but I'm very compressed for time as of late. Finding a job and preparing for the holiday is occupying a lot of my time. Add to that, I'm trying to get a book or two out before the New Year, and I have other writing projects that I promised to do, which means something has to be sacrificed. Unfortunately, that's the INTJ blog. I know people love it--it's the most popular thing on my blog, but that's one of the reasons why I can sacrifice it because it's so popular. People are eating it up like candy.

Now, when I say sacrifice, I don't mean I'm dropping it, I just mean I won't be able to commit as much time to it right now. Lest of course I strike it big on Friday. (Pray for me!) I will try to upload something for next week and I will be working on things in the shadows, but for now, I have to phone it in. I'm sorry. Maybe after the new year things will look better. So, for now, I have another response blog, this time to personalitygrowth on their entry "13 Ways You Are An INTJ."

1. You immediately thought this article was clickbait crap.

I totally did.

2. You’re good at visualizing how things will play out.

Usually. Although, INTJs are so flexible in terms of possibilities that we're generally not surprised the way things go no matter how they go. True, some things are more probable, and we do put our money on those probabilities, however, a wise enough INTJ can envision them all.

3. You often become an expert in whatever your subject of interest happens to be.

Sort of. I got really into mixology for a while and I started memorizing drink recipes and booze types left and right. And when I've been into whips, archery, firearms, and swords, all of which are recurring interests, I'm generally eager for any new information  or any new insights there are out there.

4. You know how to put a smile on your face and be polite, even if you think the other person is an idiot.

Well, I do, I just usually don't choose to do so. That's not to say I treat idiots like they're idiots, I just don't humor them.

5. You’re a perfectionist.

I'd like to fight this point, but I cannot. It's true, I am. Maybe that's why we always envision things or conversations. We can see the perfect image or sequence of events, and that's what we want to achieve, and why we're so disappointed when it doesn't come out like that.

6. You tend to be a planner, but sometimes can become impulsive at the wrong times.

There are very few times when being impulsive has burned me. Once was somewhat recently, but for the most part, I'm not impulsive. Although, I am totally a planner and spend precious time weighing everything by gain.

7. You have a rich inner world that most people don’t get to see.

Very true. The inner mind of an INTJ is a fabulous place. It's better than any fantasy movie out there. It's just a shame I can't share it. I try to though with all the writing I do.

8. You have a dry and sarcastic humor that many people don’t get.

I don't know. There are a lot smartasses in Michigan. And my brother and sister can tell a joke completely deadpan, so I'm pretty sure my dry and sarcastic humor is often understood. It only tends to be in writing where it's missed or mistranslated.

9. You can become so absorbed in a project that you sometimes forget to eat.

Never happens to me. I like food, and what with being on a diet, it's important that I eat at least three squares a day so my metabolism doesn't slow down. If I ever happen to miss a meal, it's not because I was engrossed, it's because something held me up.

10. You form strong bonds to the select few people you choose to be close to.

Yes. I can count on one hand how many true friends I have, and I generally feel very close to them indeed. I saw one of them on Monday night. She generally dominates the conversation, and I'm often too polite to interrupt and short-spoken to talk at length. But I gave her an extremely outrageous hug when I left. I picked her up, I squeezed her a bunch, and when she made mention of needing to lose some weight, I did grab her sides and poke and slap her stomach. She's got some great abs, so I don't know what she's talking about. But! You would never see me pull that crap with a lot of other people, including other friends and family.

11. You can be very convincing when you want to get your point across.

I suppose. Depends on whether or not I get a chance to speak. I do often come up with a lot of points for doing or not doing something when I need to. Just the other night, when I saw my friend, I drove my Old Man's car, but I didn't put it back in the garage, and I have about six different reasons why.

12.  You think most people are annoying.

For the most part. Maybe not most and maybe not through any conscious fault of their own, just being around me, they can annoy me. So, perhaps.

13. Unless someone does something to get your respect.

I suppose that's true, too, but honestly, it's easier to lose an INTJ's respect than it is to gain it. Most of the time, people don't meet my expectations and I lose respect for them rather than them doing something great and earning my respect. And honestly, I'd rather be around an annoying person than someone I don't respect. I might get angrier and lose my patience faster, but it won't be as big of a blow to my morale.

So, that wasn't too bad of a list. Not that far off. It wasn't total crap. But, I have to get going. See you all later.

Keep writing, my friends.

More About Bryan C. Laesch:

My Works:

Amazon: My Author Page, My Influencer Page
Facebook: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar
Patreon: Bryan C. Laesch
Twitter: BryanofallTrade
Youtube: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar

Flash Stories & Poetry Day 44: Limerick "RWBY Limericks"

Hey, everyone.

Well, I wasn't as busy today as yesterday, though I still was busy. I had a job interview and they nearly hired me on the spot, but they're pretty far away. Hopefully, something better comes down the pipeline. And then afterward, I had a to meet a student I'm tutoring in Spanish. Interesting guy; goes to Cuba a lot and wants to learn conversational Spanish. But he'll probably catch on quickly. Anyway...

Wheel of Genres, turn, turn, turn! Tell me the genre I will discern!

Today's style is... Limerick.

Okay, so, sometimes when you're working on one opus, another opus will pop into your head, fully formed without any work. I honestly thought up a limerick in a few seconds. It was about a character from an animated web series called RWBY, which is an anagram of the four main characters first names. And basically the B-character limerick wrote itself, so I'm going to write it down and try to write limericks for the other three... and maybe for some of the other characters. And if you're a fan of RWBY, you'll probably enjoy this immensely.

Thirty minutes on the clock: 30:00. And... go!

I once met a maiden named Ruby,
She said her friend was a booby,
    She was fond of hoods red,
    And making Grimm dead,
And she had a nice booty.

I once knew a princess named Weiss,
She was quite fond of everything ice,
    Her best friend is quaint,
    Despite Weiss' complaint,
But that will have to suffice.

I once met a cat-girl named Blake,
She was what you could call a flake,
    When I asked her her age,
    She said she was a page,
And fought for justice's sake.

I once met a hottie named Yang,
She started the night with a bang,
    She teased with a kiss,
    But served up a diss,
And beat up Junior's gang.

I once met a bitch named Cinder,
Her underlings were two Kinder,
    She was ambitious at best,
    Willing to kill the rest,
And turned Pyrrha into tinder.

There once was a girl named Nora,
She had an interesting aura,
    She had a great hammer,
    And made such a clamor,
And she never heard of the Torah.

There once was a character Amber,
None of the fans had heard of her,
    She was taken in ambush,
    Qrow had to save her sweet tush,
And now we remember her with myrrh.

Alright, stop the clock. Five minutes and something left. So, those weren't as dirty as I originally planned. The one with Blake, the one I thought up first, was much dirtier, but I didn't expect any one to really get the reference between page and the original word I had in the last line, "snake," basically me saying she was underage and yet she somehow had knowledge of the size of the narrator's penis. But since none of the others' were all that dirty and there are other words that rhyme with Blake, I changed the poem to fit her character better. Also, when I call her a "flake," I mean it in the sense she's always running away from her problems. But overall, I think Yang's is my favorite with Cinder's being a close second. As for Ruby's, not a lot of things rhyme with her name, so I had to use an near-rhyme. And, lastly, for Amber, for remembering her with myrrh, what does that mean? Well, myrrh was once used in ancient times for embalming the dead. So, you tell me.
But anyway, that's it for today. If you want to use the wheel I made, you should be able to access it here. And if you have the time, please check out my books for sale on Amazon which you can find through my author page. The link is below. Also, I reworked my Patreon page, so why not give it a look and consider becoming my patron. I would appreciate it.

Keep writing, my friends.

More About Bryan C. Laesch:

My Works:

Amazon: My Author Page, My Influencer Page
Facebook: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar
Patreon: Bryan C. Laesch
Twitter: BryanofallTrade
Youtube: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar

Monday, December 18, 2017

Flash Stories & Poetry Day 43: Villanelle "Put Up or Shut Up"

Hey, everyone.

Ugh... Again, I'm doing a daily writing exercise a day late. Well, a few hours.

Wheel of Genres, turn, turn, turn! Tell me the genre I will discern!

Today's style is... Villanelle.

So, like I said, I prepare these in advance, and I did have a topic in mind for today, and I think it would've made a great poem. I was going to talk about the tortures of my soul, but I hate looking like a poser, and some days, even I don't put up with my sh*t. Speaking of, I just spent about an hour on Pinterest, and there's a problem with Pinterest: see, if you click on a pin under a subject such as politics, regardless of whether you agree with the pin or not, you're likely to get more those same kind of political pins. And I, tried being a wise ass and defend my political beliefs, but Pinterest's recommendation programming has backfired on me and now half of what I see if crap from the other side.

As distressing as that is, the main problem is that I'm so, so, so tired of hearing people complain. I finally commented on one pin, "You're going to blame one man for all of America's problems? If these causes are so important to you, you be the change you think it needs." And since I'm still hopped up on all these assh*les complaints, guess what I'm going to write about? Don't worry; it won't be (directly) political. So, let's see if I can write a villanelle telling people to either put up or shut up.

Thirty minutes on the clock: 30:00. And... go.

If thou want to work thy will, work it now.
Worldly problems shall come, and shan't avaunt.
The world shan't worsen less thou allow.

To what powers and men doth thou endow
That causeth thee to become weak and gaunt?
If thou want to work thy will, work it now.

Thine own dire problems thou can't disavow,
Will thee permit others' problems to haunt?
The world shan't worsen less thou allow.

Do not forswear exacting work, and plow
The fields of change with everything you want.
If thou want to work thy will, work it now.

Do not surrender to others and bow,
Giving unto those who excel at vaunts.
The world shan't worsen less thou allow.

To thine own mind and wonders shalt thou vow,
In thy beliefs, don't let naysayers daunt.
If thou want to work thy will, work it now.
The world shan't worsen less thou allow.

Stop the clock. Little more than three minutes. Unfortunately, this poem kind of sucks. I gave myself some really hard rhymes though, and I don't think I like villanelles. I can't get their timing and rhythm down. It's so weird to me. I always want to do things either as a heroic couplet or a sonnet. If I ever get that book of poetry out, I don't think there will be a lot of villanelles in there.
But anyway, that's it for today. If you want to use the wheel I made, you should be able to access it here. And if you have the time, please check out my books for sale on Amazon which you can find through my author page. The link is below. Also, I reworked my Patreon page, so why not give it a look and consider becoming my patron. I would appreciate it.

Keep writing, my friends.

More About Bryan C. Laesch:

My Works:

Amazon: My Author Page, My Influencer Page
Facebook: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar
Patreon: Bryan C. Laesch
Twitter: BryanofallTrade
Youtube: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Flash Stories & Poetry Day 42: Free Verse "Lost Souls"

Hey, everyone.

So, I wanted to do something different today. I really am not big on free verse because it doesn't rhyme, but today I feel the necessity to write some of it, specifically about some of the things that are causing me to feel lost. As a result, I kind of feel like a "lost soul," hence the title of this post. So, let's get on with it.

Today's style is Free Verse.

Thirty minutes on the clock: 30:00. And... go.

Within the desires of the world,
    I am lost.

Within the desires for self,
    I am lost.

Within the feelings of what
          the world tells me is true,
    I am lost.

Is there no one out there who thinks like me, who acts like me, who is lost like me,
    who I could be my companion?

We may be lost, but at least, we're lost together. Lost within a world that has lost
    its meaning like a devil seeming within, without, its own dreaming.

Lost souls... are we dead to the flow of time... past, present, and future?

Lost souls... are we meant to live... without our meaning?

Lost souls... is there some meaning... in our suffering?
    ...or are we merely lost?    ...and meant to wander... ?

Misery loves company but loneliness shunned...

Meaning needs direction but direction abounds when significance forgotten...

Torture of the soul found in chains; liberty desired, ego fails, liberty falls.

I am lost for expression...

Where is my love? A lost soul... for me...

Does anyone understand this heartache... this burden... ?

I am lost for... expression... affection...



Stop the clock. Thirteen minutes left. Well, that was drab. At one point, I felt like I was getting at what I want, but I think I lost the plot halfway through. I probably should've written what I was feeling last night so I didn't lose the feeling. I still feel lost, but this isn't exactly how I wanted to say it, but it is all in there: loneliness, suffering, lack of meaning in life. I hate being this drab and melodramatic, but when you've been screwed by life and you're facing imprisonment of the soul, it's hard not to be dramatic.
Anyway, that's it for today. If you have the time, please check out my books for sale on Amazon which you can find through my author page. The link is below. Also, I reworked my Patreon page, so why not give it a look and consider becoming my patron. I would appreciate it.

Keep writing, my friends.

More About Bryan C. Laesch:

My Works:

Amazon: My Author Page, My Influencer Page
Facebook: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar
Patreon: Bryan C. Laesch
Twitter: BryanofallTrade
Youtube: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Flash Stories & Poetry Day 41: Limerick "A Girl Named Suzy"

Hey, everyone.

So's, as I said, I'm doing more poetry for today. Unfortunately, I planned this thing so far ahead, I've been thinking of what to write all day and avoiding the whole entry altogether. Unfortunately, the only way to do it is to just sit down and do it. The other problem is we trimmed our tree today, and in typical Saturday fashion, I can't work on anything until much later in the day.

Wheel of Genres, turn, turn, turn! Tell me the genre I will discern!

Today's style is... Limerick.

Trying to think of a limerick all day is kind of hard. I had to look at the last limericks I wrote in order to get some inspiration. Unfortunately, nothing too brilliant is coming to mind. So, let's see what I can piece together. I actually do have one of mind, but it's really inappropriate, especially in the sexual harassment charged air we're currently living in, so I won't be using that one.

Thirty minutes on the clock: 30:00. And... go!

I once met a girl named Suzy,
She was what you'd call a floozy,
    When I took her to bed,
    We accidentally bred,
And my son inherited her booty.

Ooh! That's terrible. It's not so much dirty as it just unfortunate. You never what a girl's booty on a guy, or a guy's butt on a girl. It doesn't look right. But the really unfortunate part of this poem is the sleeping around and accidental pregnancy. Don't sleep around, kids. Hold onto those V-cards!  And I would come up with more limericks, but I still have gingerbread cookies to bake, so that'll have to do it for tonight.
If you want to use the wheel I made, you should be able to access it here. And if you have the time, please check out my books for sale on Amazon which you can find through my author page. The link is below. Also, I reworked my Patreon page, so why not give it a look and consider becoming my patron. I would appreciate it.

Keep writing, my friends.

More About Bryan C. Laesch:

My Works:

Amazon: My Author Page, My Influencer Page
Facebook: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar
Patreon: Bryan C. Laesch
Twitter: BryanofallTrade
Youtube: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar

Can You Pigeonhole Yourself through MBTI?

So, here’s a question for all you MBTI nerds: do you fear that knowing your personality type will pigeonhole you into acting a certain...