Friday, July 27, 2018

INTJ Contradiction #1: A Rebel and a Tyrant

Hey, everyone.

(Quick Note: This post is actually two weeks late since I broke my last computer. Sorry about that.)

So, I have to apologize for not getting my main INTJ post out last week, the one where I talk about what it's like growing up as an INTJ. It's a little more difficult than I figured and some of the examples I thought of from my past aren't exactly INTJ qualities, so I'm going to need some more time with that one.

Instead, I might have a new series here: INTJ Contradictions. As we know, INTJs are walking masses of complexities despite the fact they try to do everything as efficiently as possible. They burn with passion, but they're cold as ice. They agree that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, but they'll be damned if they choose to follow anyone else's will besides their own. So let's take a look at one of these contradictions and try to understand where it comes from.

A Rebel and a Tyrant

So I was listening to the song "Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There" which is the theme song to the video game Persona 5. I was actually watching a lyric video, and I've never understood all the lyrics, but as I was reading them, I realized "Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There" could very well be an INTJ's anthem, especially with lyrics like "Why does no one want change?" (Despite the fact INTJs don't like surprises or unnecessary change. Another contradiction entry there.)

However, some of the other lyrics reminded me of an interesting contradiction within the INTJ personality. The lyrics in particular were:

They look down on
All the rest of us
Like they're some special breed

Who's the high lord
Who thinks he's better than us?

The fact that INTJs like these lyrics is both indicative of their secret rebellious side and ironic in that INTJs love to have control over every aspect of their lives. We don't care much for leadership, but if everyone just listened to us, no one would have any problems (despite the fact we hate those pretentious pricks who have the balls to virtue signal us and try to get us triggered just because they are). I call this ironic and hypocritical duality being a rebel and a tyrant, but where does it come from and why is it that INTJs don't necessarily see it as a contradiction?

Origin of R/T Duality

If I had to guess where this dual nature comes from, I'd say it originates in our Te-Fi combination. Extraverted Thinking is the function responsible for our strong opinions while Introverted Feeling is responsible for our strong individuality. In fact, I would argue that INTJs aren't "rebellious," we're just individuals. However, where some people can live and let live, INTJs are very self-assured of their individuality. After all, we've been doing our own thing and going our own way for most of our lives and it hasn't led us astray yet--what reason do we have to doubt their senses? But you take these self-confident individuals and put them in a world where self-doubt and creating your own Hell are common, of course they're going to acquire the attitude "I know best."


So, why don't INTJs think this duality is hypocritical? Well, as stated above, if we truly know what's best, then we know what's best. Whether we're in power or not is irrelevant. Titles like "rebel" and "tyrant" are subjective. If a person is in power and sees someone else who isn't falling in line, the latter will be labelled as a "rebel." Similarly, anyone who is abusing their power or trying to influence the populous with force would be labelled a "tyrant." Of course though, other people in power might think of the "tyrant" as a "comrade," and other rebels might think of the labelled "rebel" as a "hero" or "non-conformist."

We also like to think that logic and rational is on our side. As long as that's true, we can't be a rebel or a tyrant because we're in the right--we're on the side of justice. INTJs are only really seen as rebels when compared to those who fall in line without a fight, and they're only really seen as tyrannical when they try to force their point-of-view. But as we all know, INTJs are generally pretty quiet--we don't speak up or speak out much. We just go and do our own thing, and let everyone else have their flapdoodle. As long as this holds, we will never be labelled as a rebel or a tyrant.


Well, that was the first INTJ Contradiction entry. Hopefully, I subverted your expectations (in a good way) with this first entry. In the future I'll write about the more predictable ones. Make sure you don't miss it by joining my mailing list, and if you want to make sure I keep writing, please consider supporting me on Patreon. Even $1 a month is enough to keep me writing.

As for next week's main post, I'm not sure what I'll do. Maybe I'll go back to growing up as an INTJ, but for now, who can say.

Keep writing, my friends.

More About Bryan C. Laesch:

Amazon: My Author Page
Facebook: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar
Patreon: Bryan C. Laesch

Instagram: Bryan C. Laesch
Twitter: BryanofallTrade
Youtube: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Quick and Dirty INTJ Thoughts #5: You're Not INTJ Enough to Be an INTJ

Hey, everyone.

My job search hasn't been going well and I'm feeling pretty sassy, so I guess I'll channel that energy into tearing a hypothetical someone's assh*le with this time's Quick and Dirty INTJ Thoughts.


I don't know if other types have this problem, but among INTJs, there's a cult--an orthodoxy. Basically, if you don't meet the Council of INTJs' requirements for being an INTJ, you're not one. Just a few weeks ago I had some assh*le accusing me of not being an INTJ because I talk about personal stuff on my blog. This dork seems to have forgotten that while INTJs don't like getting personal in public, when it comes to writing, it's much easier for us to express ourselves.

Another part of it is that INTJs are really good about telling the (harsh) truth, even if it's about ourselves. Plus, I don't often get comments, so I don't feel like anyone is actually reading this thing. I see the view count go up, but that doesn't mean someone is picking up what I'm putting down. Even accidental clicks and quick-as-you-can click backs count as views.

But getting back to the point, I was contacted again by a female INTJ on FB to tell me I had a misspelling in one of my posts. We ended up speaking for a little while on what it's like being an INTJ and we got on the topic of how there are these assh*les who rate INTJs on whether or not they're worthy enough to call themselves INTJs. She mentioned she was familiar with the phenomenon and noted that it was especially bad amongst other female INTJs. I know female INTJs are known for having a forbidding aura stronger than their male counterparts, but this is ridiculous.

This is one of the reasons why I don't seek out and befriend other INTJs. I know that I'm a pain in the ass. I know what a bunch of ornery motherf*ckers INTJs can be and how much they can drive people crazy. I know how opinionated we can be, and how far we're willing to drive a point to make it abundantly clear. When it comes to opinions, you can either agree with an INTJ or you can be considered a f*cking moron--there really is no in-between. And since I know I don't fit the INTJ stereotype, especially where me being Catholic is concerned, I don't seek out other INTJs because I know most of them are going to be assh*les. And then to add an "INTJ worthiness factor" to that, it just makes my case for not pursuing other INTJs stronger.

Listen, assh*les, I know what I am. I know I'm an INTJ. I've taken the tests and I've read the material. I know why I stand out from other INTJs, but that doesn't make me any less of an INTJ. If you don't know how that's possible, let me fill you in on a little secret: MBTI is an oversimplification of Carl Jung's original personality theory. In Jung's system, everyone has all eight functions, but we all use them to different degrees. For instance, my order is Ni-Ne-Ti-Fi-Si-Te-Se-Fe, and according to My True Type by Dr. A.J. Drenth, because my eight function order is at least close to the MBTI INTJ theme of Ni-Te-Fi-Se, I'm almost certainly an INTJ. I know I just said "almost," but I'd bet my balls on it! Just because I'm not as opinionated or argumentative as you are, that doesn't mean I'm not an assh*le--I mean, INTJ.

(To the other types: As you can tell, just because INTJs are INTJs, that doesn't mean we're all the same. That would be a critically fatal assumption.)


If you enjoyed this ball-busting Quick and Dirty INTJ Thoughts and you want to stay in the loop with whatever I write, please consider joining my mailing list, and if you want me to keep busting my type's balls, please consider supporting me on Patreon. Even $1 a month is enough for me to keep being an assh*le.

Keep writing, my friends.

More About Bryan C. Laesch:

Amazon: My Author Page
Facebook: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar
Patreon: Bryan C. Laesch

Instagram: Bryan C. Laesch
Twitter: BryanofallTrade
Youtube: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar

Weird Moments with INTJ #4: Planning Ahead/Thinking of Everything

Hey, everyone.

It's time for another Weird Moments with INTJ. Let's get into it.


So, I don't know if this belongs under the topic of "planning ahead" or "thinking of everything." Maybe it's both--a distinction without a difference. Regardless, it is the sort of thing an INTJ would do. I once saw a video breaking down the INTJ personality, and the host said that INTJs often think about sex more than actually having it. I don't know why he felt the need to point that out--I thought that was true for everyone, especially men--but maybe that's just especially true of INTJs, and my meme is proof of it.

See, even if an INTJ is a total amateur at something, we don't want to be thought of as an amateur. We want to be one of those people who are good at everything they do. In some part, this is true/applicable for INTJs, however, whatever we don't know about or don't have any experience in, we will research and take notes. It's all in preparation for doing well in whatever we're interested. And even if we are skilled or experienced, we will still look for ways to improve our performance.

Now, I do realize that with something like sex, some "things" will be dependent on the likes and dislikes of our partner, however, sex is a dynamic experience, from what I understand, and there are plenty of things to test, try, and explore. Even if no practical application is present or possible, an INTJ may take mental pleasure in just learning theory and possibilities. True, INTJs can derive this theoretical pleasure from just about anything, but INTJs aren't going to limit themselves to just the "regular" sort of knowledge. (I almost said "wholesome," but I want to stray away from the idea that sex can't be wholesome. It totally can be so long as it's practiced by a married couple. Even if it's kinky.)

But INTJs love possibilities. We try to make use of everything we know and apply concepts we learn elsewhere to different topics. Even if we are good, practicing Catholics who don't plan on having sex until we're married, we'll still gather up as much knowledge and theory as we can in case there comes a day when we can implement it.

Cue "Rock You Like A Hurricane" by The Scorpions.

If you enjoyed this eye-opening Weird Moments with INTJ and you want to stay in the loop with whatever I write, please consider joining my mailing list, and if you want me to keep exposing dirty, little INTJ secrets, please consider supporting me on Patreon. Even $1 a month is enough for me to whore out my type.

Keep writing, my friends.

More About Bryan C. Laesch:

Amazon: My Author Page
Facebook: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar
Patreon: Bryan C. Laesch

Instagram: Bryan C. Laesch
Twitter: BryanofallTrade
Youtube: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar

Being A Writer #4: Fortune and Glory

Hey, everyone.

Due to the holiday I decided not to publish anything last week because I thought there would be adverse effects to my views, but now that the holiday is over, we can get back into the swing of things. Speaking of the swing, it hasn't been going well for me in my job search, and speaking of money, let's take a quick look at this week's Being A Writer.


When it comes to just about anything, there are good and bad reasons for doing whatever it is, such as marriage, which should be done for love and shouldn't be done for money. Well, when it comes to writing a book, some do it for "good" reasons like educating, entertaining, enlightening, and inspiring others. But there are plenty of "bad" reasons why people write; two of those "bad" reasons include fortune and glory.

Unfortunately, there are some writers out there, often the successful ones who have both plenty of money and fame, who like to drive the point that writing isn't about getting rich or being popular. But here's the thing, while fortune and glory aren't "good" reasons for writing, they're still some of the reasons why we write--it's just the nature of the beast.

I think it could be argued that "fortune and glory" isn't as much about "riches and fame" as it is about "getting paid to do something you like and being recognized for being good at it." However, I also think that so long as you turn out a good story that people want to read, does it really matter why you wrote it? For my part, I know I write for good and bad reasons--I want to tell a story, but dammit!--someone had better pay me for it!


If you enjoyed this realistic Being A Writer post and you want to stay in the loop with whatever I write, please consider joining my mailing list, and if you agree with my logic, you can also support me on Patreon. Even $1 a month helps me keep writing for money.

Keep writing, my friends.

More About Bryan C. Laesch:

Amazon: My Author Page
Facebook: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar
Patreon: Bryan C. Laesch

Instagram: Bryan C. Laesch
Twitter: BryanofallTrade
Youtube: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar

Can You Pigeonhole Yourself through MBTI?

So, here’s a question for all you MBTI nerds: do you fear that knowing your personality type will pigeonhole you into acting a certain...