Hey, everyone.
This blog entry is brought to you by my new novels: Remnants of Chaos: Chaotic Omens and Heroes of Majestia: The Company of Flight. You can buy ROCCO here and HOMCOF here.
Anyway, this past week, Chapter 3 dropped to the masses as did a lot of interesting information that will help to set up the rest of Volume 5. In fact, I can see why no scenes from this episode were used in the trailer. There was some good stuff in this episode, and most of it would've given away better stuff. But, let's stop talking about how good this good stuff was and start talking about what it was and why it was good.
This blog entry is brought to you by my new novels: Remnants of Chaos: Chaotic Omens and Heroes of Majestia: The Company of Flight. You can buy ROCCO here and HOMCOF here.
Anyway, this past week, Chapter 3 dropped to the masses as did a lot of interesting information that will help to set up the rest of Volume 5. In fact, I can see why no scenes from this episode were used in the trailer. There was some good stuff in this episode, and most of it would've given away better stuff. But, let's stop talking about how good this good stuff was and start talking about what it was and why it was good.
Scene 1: Ghira's Press Conference
What I Liked: Okay, well, I sort of lied. Not everything about this episode was fantastic, but Ghira's Press Conference was better than all of what is going on with Weiss right now, so... Anyway, so Ghira called this big press conference where he let all the Faunus on Menagerie know about Adam's big plans to overthrow Sienna and take over the White Fang as well as to overthrow Haven Academy. But right before he went out there and told the Faunus, there was this tender family moment between Ghira and Kali and Blake as they showed their support for him. And then I liked everything about Ghira talking mad sh*t about the White Fang and why Adam sucks. Basically, everything he said was what Sienna said, and that's good. Well, except for...
What Could've Been Better: Did Ghira really expect all the Faunus to march toward Haven to protect it "at all costs" like he suggested? How did he not foresee that being a problem? Although, that wasn't the worst part of this scene; Ilia disrupting the conference to say her part was pretty bad because 1. Ghira had already won over the audience, and 2. because screw Ilia and everything she believes. Also, a big screw you to Sun in this scene. Not only does he ruin the tender family moment between the Belladonnas when he could have just added verbal affirmation to Ghira, he then went and ruined his ambush by telling Ilia to shut up before he jumped her. Excuse me, but I thought Sun was supposed to be a trained warrior. Shouldn't he know to be quiet before jumping someone? Another problem I had with this scene was Ilia's suggestion that the White Fang will fight for all Faunus if they can't/won't do it for themselves. This is an issue because most self-righteous terrorist/political groups often denounce those who don't join the fight as traitors. They typically have the "either you're with us or you're against us" type of mentality. And that's the type of mentality I would expect from Adam, so I have a hard time believing the White Fang would fight for and represent those who are fine with sitting on their hands while someone else does all the work.
Questions/Insights: Alright, so this scene raises a few interesting questions besides those faults in logic I've already suggested above. The first and most pertinent question is who is this "swiftest messenger" that is on Ghira's pay roll that he sent to Mistral? I don't recall seeing any other Faunus who were really close to the Belladonnas that he could trust with delivering that information. I'm also quite curious as to what Blake was going to say at the conference, but I have a feeling Kerry and Miles didn't have a clue as to what she would say, so that's why they wrote in Ilia's disruption there--it's too convenient.
Scene 2: Ozpin Explains It All
Okay, so I know there's this scene, and then it cuts to Weiss and cuts back, but I'm going to treat the two scenes as one just because it's easier. Likewise with Weiss in the bandit camp.
What I Liked: Alright, so this scene is where the hypest sh*t happens this episode. Not only is Ozpin back, but Ozpin finally explains how it is that he has "committed more mistakes than any man, woman, or child" on Remnant and his connection to Salem. Although he only says that he and Salem are basically locked in eternal conflict, he doesn't mention why or how it was he failed to stop Salem that led to his curse. But, there's more to love in this episode such as Oz's plan to make real huntsmen and huntresses out of RNJR as well as the fact that we're going to be introduced to some new bad ass huntsmen in the very near future. I also thoroughly enjoyed RNJR's faces when they saw Oz flip through the air back onto his chair and twirl his cane. They all had a different variation of the "what the f*ck" face.
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Nora's expression is my favorite. |
What Could've Been Better: However, this scene wasn't perfect. I was pretty displeased with Oscar's behavior asking Oz not to do anything embarrassing, not being able to maintain his balance standing on a chair, and not being pleased to learn that he would have to train himself. I mean, does he really not trust Oz to keep the situation under control and can he not keep his balance? And did he really not expect to hear that he would have to do his fair share of fighting as well? I also didn't care for the comedy in this scene with Nora's over exuberant response that Oz can set Lionheart right and I don't understand why the table and mug broke when Qrow put his feet on the table--that was just stupid. And lastly, I liked how Oz pointed out Ruby and Jaune's weaknesses, but I wish he would've critiqued Nora and Ren as well to find out where they're weak. If I had to guess what their weaknesses are, I'd say Nora isn't disciplined well enough and Ren doesn't do enough damage. I mean, I do think he has the weakest and worst designed weapons out of the four of them.
Questions/Insights: So with hearing Oz's explanation that he is the culmination of countless men through the ages, I began to wonder whether Ozpin will take over Oscar or if Oscar will grow into Ozpin. What I mean is, is Ozpin's soul like a parasite that eventually takes over its host, or will Oscar's thoughts and mentality just become the same as Ozpin's? This also raises the questions of whether or not Ozpin had two souls and was one of them was constantly talking to him inside his head? It also seemed to me that Oz was particularly worried with the safety of the Relic of Knowledge, and my question is why? Is there something uniquely special about the Relic of Knowledge, or is it that just because of the unusual situation in Mistral, Lionheart not having anyone guarding it and Spring potentially being a bad guy, that has put Ozpin in a specially guarded mindset?
Scene 3: Snow White Behind Bars
What I Liked: Alright, so for me, this was the low point in the episode. The only thing I liked is that Weiss used her Semblance to summon a tiny Arma Gigas to set herself free. I hope we get to see the carnage she wreaks next week and not a stupid World of Remnant episode--I can feel it coming.
What Could've Been Better: I have two major complaints with this episode the first being Weiss telling the bandits about her sister rather than mentioning she isn't interested in being ransomed off which she then could've used to her advantage to kick their sh*t in, but I guess her Semblance is a decent backup. Even still though, if she could've used her Semblance all the time, why bother telling the bandits about Winter at all? I also don't believe Winter went back to Atlas. If she's expecting Weiss to arrive in Mistral, Winter would've found a way to stay even if it meant disobeying orders. Plus, Ironwood said he was heading to Mistral based on Winter's report; she could use that to her advantage to stay.
The other major issue I have with this scene is with Vernal herself. Everyone's pretty sure she's the Spring Maiden and the fact that she's called "Vernal" is a pretty big f*cking hint. At first, I was excited when I made the connection, but when I realized it doesn't take a genius to make that connection, I got a little pissed at how transparent it is. Now I really hope she isn't the Spring Maiden just to throw everyone for a loop because that would be funny as hell.
Questions/Insights: This scene prompted two questions from me: 1. Where's Raven, and 2. Does Weiss know who Raven is? The reason why I'm so focused on Raven is because I would've expected her to know that Weiss was Yang's teammate or that Weiss would know Raven is Yang's mother, and the fact that the whole issue never came up is really disappointing to me. I also thought that Raven would've wanted to tell Weiss that she was going to be ransomed off rather than leaving it to Vernal. It just seems like it would be up her alley to do so. (Also, what happened to the Atlesian pilot?)
So, what do I think of this chapter overall? Well, it was half disappointing and half great, but the great parts were great enough that they made up for the lame stuff, so I did like this chapter and it has made me eager to see chapter 4 which wasn't a feeling I had when I saw chapter 2. Unfortunately, I have a feeling RT is going to be a bunch of cock teases and release a World of Remnant episode next week, or they're going to cut back to Yang and we're not going to get very much time at all with RNJR and Weiss which is a real dick move because both of their storylines ended on cliffhangers. But we won't know until we see the next episode.
Keep writing, my friends.
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