Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Flash Stories & Poetry Day 23: Elegy "Aborted Opera"

Hey, everyone.

Alright, then. I'm continuing with the theme of the importance of writing earnestly. Today is a poetry day and the poetry tends to be rather popular. I may have to make it it's own series, or specialize in poetry which would be frankly awesome. But anyway...

Wheel of Genres, turn, turn, turn! Tell me the genre I will discern!

Today's topic is... Elegy! Huh, that's an interesting one. Aren't elegies usually said in remembrance of something like someone's death? A quick Wikipedia search seems to confirm that, but also admits that elegies aren't really pinned down all that well. Usually their content is just melancholic and reflective, and have only one limit on style: something called an elegiac couplet which I don't think I have the skill to write in. Other than that, everything's free game.

Thirty minutes on the clock: 30:00. And... go.

Nightmares of words' deaths haunt the mind,
And show the dreamers they are blind;
Pieces and poems, harvests of the heart,
Flash behind the eyes and then depart.

Wanton writers waste their gift and commit to doom
Like a child cozened from the womb;
Succumbing to their creator's strife,
Written pieces are cheated a chance at life.

What beauty, what sorrow,
What of the mysteries of tomorrow;
Countless are the losses like sufferings on the Cross,
Words of passion and change become dross.

--Beware apathy's curse and the writer's abyss,
--For our words are meant to herald mankind's bliss.

Stop the clock. Almost six minutes left. Wow, that took longer that I would've imagined. RhymeZone for some reason gave me a bunch of Protuguese sh*t when I was looking for rhymes for morrow and sorrow. They were a part of one line, but I made them two because I couldn't find a suitable rhyme. And, as you can tell, I didn't stick to a uniform line length; some of the lines wrote themselves, but it's alright, makes the poem more contemporary. Unfortunately, I'm having issues with my Internet so I was in a rush to get the poem done so I just accepted the lines as they came. And I have other stuff I need to do.

So, that's it for today. If you want to use the wheel I made, you should be able to access it here. And if you have the time, please check out my books for sale on Amazon which you can find through my author page. The link is below. Also, I reworked my Patreon page, so why not give it a look and consider becoming my patron. I would appreciate it.

Keep writing, my friends.

More About Bryan C. Laesch:

My Works:

Amazon: My Author Page, My Influencer Page
Facebook: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar
Patreon: Bryan C. Laesch
Twitter: BryanofallTrade
Youtube: Bryan C. Laesch, Bawdy Scholar

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