Saturday, June 2, 2018

Weird Moments with INTJ #3: Critical Open-Mindedness

Hey, everyone.

So this Weird Moments with INTJ is truly a weird moment, especially for me. Let's get into why.


The reason why this Weird Moments is weird for me is because I do believe in a higher power, and it does bother me that INTJs have this reputation for not being believers. Although, I have seen the numbers, and a majority of INTJs do believe in a higher power, but it is only about 64%. However, there is a difference between believing in a higher power and acknowledging belief in a higher power. Many INTJs are probably actually on the fence about the whole issue and would prefer to have more evidence before committing to a decision.

But, anyway, this Weird Moments is more about the stereotypical INTJ. True, he's not likely admit to the existence of a higher power, but he is likely to flip the situation on its head and say something to this effect. It kind of comes off as mean, but it is realistic for an INTJ to do due to our honesty. And we are likely to see a critical person in a hypocritical light if they aren't also critical of their own lives.

Of course though, this principle can be applied in any situation, like someone who is overweight giving diet tips to a thinner person or someone who's a loser calling another person a loser. INTJs have enough outward perspective to see the irony of these situations and tell these people, "He without sin, cast the first stone."

(See what I did there?)


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Keep writing, my friends.

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