Friday, August 18, 2017

Crypto Theory: Are Cryptids Interdimensional Beings?

Hey, everyone. Welcome to my blog. In order to promote my new book, Tales of Horror: Macabre Monsters of Michigan, I've decided to write a few posts on the theories of the substance and origin of the Dogman and other cryptids. I hope you find them enlightening.

Let's get into it.

Theory #1: Interdimensional Beings

In Nick Redfern's book Three Men Seeking Monsters, he and his two fellow paranormal investigating buddies, Jonathan Downes and Richard Freeman, go on a six-week long expedition exploring some of the UK's most fascinating paranormal activity and interviewing some very interesting witnesses. At one point, they explore the idea of something called "Cormons" when they visit a crazy, old witch called Mother Sarah Graymalkin. Mother Sarah explains that Cormons are a type of interdimensional being that the native people of England purposely summoned into our world as a method to repel the Roman invasion.

The idea that Dogman and other cryptids are not actually from our world, but a different one seems likely because although they are humanoid, they are also animal-like. Some people believe that they evolved from something already in our world like the popular theory that the Lizardman is an evolved Troodon, or Linda Godfrey's theory that wolves could have evolved the ability to stand on two feet. But these theories don't really work. In Lizardman's case, Troodon was around much earlier than primates meaning Lizardmen should've been around before us and therefore should be the dominant species. As for Dogman, there are other peculiarities about the Dogman that need to be addressed besides it just being able to stand on its hind legs, like its overwhelming size, advanced intellect, and human-like hands. And when we take these things into account along with the fact that there's nothing like either species in the recent fossil record, I'm convinced they're not from our world.

Another piece of evidence that lends itself well to this perspective is the existence of the Bridgewater Triangle, an area of about 200 square miles within southern Massachusetts where all sorts of strange things are seen including UFOs, balls of fire, orbs, and cryptids. Some people believe the Bridgewater Triangle is a portal from our world into another. Even in Three Men Seeking Monsters, Redfern runs into a lot of people who claim to have walked through or gone through a portal. Add to all this, massive and extensive searches have been conducted to find some of the world's most popular cryptids such as the October 1987 search for the Loch Ness Monster where 20 cruisers methodically scanned the lake with sonar and found nothing. Some may argue that there was a conspiracy to hide the truth, but there's a problem with that--big secrets never stay secret. Remember the Vietnam War? The truth that we weren't the good guys in that war came out real quick. So, I wouldn't put much stock into that theory, and I prefer to think that the reason why the Loch Ness Monster and other cryptids can't be found is because of interdimensional portals.


And so, that's my first theory on what cryptids are and where they come from. If you guys are interested in knowing more about Nick Redfern or his crazy adventure, I highly recommend his book. And if you want to know more about Linda Godfrey and her research, I highly recommend her books as well.

But, if you're looking for something a little lighter and purely fictional, why not check out my book Tales of Horror: Macabre Monsters of Michigan. It contains three short stories featuring the Dogman, a sea serpent, and a man who believes himself to be the son of Satan. And if you like it, please leave me a review on Amazon. I greatly appreciate it. (And if for some reason the ad isn't there, click this link:

Keep writing, my friends.

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