Thursday, August 10, 2017

RWBY Theory: The Mysteries of the Grimm

Hey there, everyone.

With the completion of my series on why each member of team RWBY should be your favorite, I wanted to take the time and explore some of the things that we the fans may have questions about on the world of Remnant and see if we can't figure out any answers. In this post of RWBY Theory, I'm going to be looking at the mysteries of the Grimm.

But before we begin, I want to remind everyone about my RWBY mailing list so I can keep you all up-to-date about everything I do RWBY related: All who join will get to see the newest versions of RWBY: The Novelization ahead of everyone else. And if you really want to show me the love, support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.con/bryanclaesch. The first few will be privy to novelizations of the Red, White, and Black trailers before their official release.

Let's get started.

The Grimm--where do they come from and why are they on Remnant? According to Qrow and  Ozpin, the Grimm were created by the younger brother of a pair of gods known as the god of darkness. His focus on destruction is what led him to create the Grimm so he could destroy whatever his older brother created. But there are a few problems with this story.

For starters, we learn in World of Remnant that the Grimm don't skirmish with wild animals unless they're fighting over territory. This is a problem because according to Qrow, animals, plants, and nature in general are all creations of the elder brother. Therefore, we would expect to see the Grimm devastating everything that could be associated with the elder brother's work, but we don't see this. WoR specifically tells us that Grimm only attack humans and their works.

Another issue is the creation of the Grimm. In RWBY, we have seen Grimm created before our eyes in two different ways: springing from the black bile dripping from the Grimm Dragon and from pools around Salem's Domain. Add to that, WoR has said that new varieties of Grimm are being discovered every day. Hell, in Volume 4, we hear the salty, sea dog captain say he's never seen a Grimm the size of the Sea Dragon that attacked the ship. So, new types of Grimm are being actively created when according to Qrow, the god of darkness created them, but after he and his brother created humans, they left Remnant. Therefore, we're still stuck with the questions of why the Grimm exist, who created the Grimm, and how?

The by whom seems to be obvious: Salem. The why however isn't entirely clear. While domination seems likely, or so that Salem can get all four of the relics, this seems too basic of an answer. There has to be a twist somewhere. But even after looking at Salem, we're still left with the question of how does she create the Grimm? What are the black pools? What is the ichor that drops from the Dragon? Well, this wouldn't be much of a theory post if I didn't have one, so let's talk about it.

As mentioned in WoR, the Grimm don't require sustenance and will dissipate after being slain. And unless the Grimm reach old age, they're barely more than big, growly monsters, which is another interesting aspect to the Grimm. But, there is something that all Grimm have in common and that is that they're drawn to negative emotion. Do you guys remember the mood slime from Ghosterbusters II? The psychomagnotheoric substance--the stuff that was produced by human emotion and then reacted to it. Basically, that's my theory. The Grimm are born from all the negative emotion of humanity. It's why they're drawn to it and why the Dragon was able to wake up and make more Grimm from itself: because the level of fear and anguish surrounding Beacon was strong enough to wake it up.

Now, while this is interesting, it doesn't help solve the question of what the black bile is that surrounds Salem's castle. Is it a type of psychomagnotheoric slime, like concentrated negativity? But how did Salem get it or make it? And why is it she can breed Grimm without concern for her own well-being or the possibility that the Grimm could swarm her? Why is it she's able to control Grimm like servants? Unfortunately, there aren't any answers to these questions. But, they all do point at Salem. Unfortunately, that's a blog for next time.

So, are there any conclusions we can draw about the Grimm? Honestly, I can't except for the fact that because the Grimm focus mainly on humans, they were not likely created by the god of darkness but rather as a response to humanity, or humanity is the catalyst for their creation. And, we know Salem has some sort of control over them and possibly knowledge about all existing variations. After all, how did Cinder know about the Dragon in Mountain Glenn? Salem told her. And according to Qrow in Volume 3, we also know that Salem has most likely created new variations that are fear themselves. Therefore, we must look at Salem, which I'm going to do in my next post.


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