Hey, everyone.
So, as you're undoubtedly aware, RWBY Volume 5 premiered yesterday. I saw it in the theatre on Thursday because I was hoping to get something really good for my money (Spoiler Warning: I didn't). But what did I think of the first episode? Well, I didn't enjoy it as much as some of the others in the theatre did, but I did like it. However, I wanted to reserve most of my judgment until I was able to see it again so I could review it and really go over it. But, there's a problem: Rooster Teeth has changed their scheduling release yet again.
See, last year, they released new episodes of RWBY to First members on Saturday, to non-First members on Sunday, and then to the public a week later. Very few people had a problem with this. And to be honest, I was a Firstie for Volume 4. However, I didn't like it. In fact, I hate myself for it. Why? Well, why was I paying $5/mo, which is what First costs if you don't buy a yearly subscription, just to watch new episodes 24 hours earlier? It's a bloody waste especially since there were times when World of Remnant was released instead of RWBY. (Which is major bullsh*t!) So, after Vol. 4 ended, I cancelled my subscription, and I will never go back because First is full sh*t I don't give two f*cks about.
But now, RT is changing the rules of the game. Now, Firsties get new content the day of its release, and everyone else, including Non-Firstie RT members, get the new content a week later with everyone else. And as you can imagine, people are pissed. And on both sides, too. First members and non alike. Firsties are pissed because some of them enjoyed interacting with Non-Firsties in the community, but now with the release schedule f*cked, when Non-Firsties finally get the content, it will be old hat to Firsties and they won't want to talk about it. And Non-Firsties are pissed because there's no reason for them to have an RT membership and they may as well watch RT content on YouTube because, let's face the facts, YouTube's video player is light years ahead of RT's player.
So, basically, RT is creating a huge rift in their audience as well as pissing off the people who put RT where it is today. They're basically biting the hand that feeds. And as someone else mentioned, it also offers a larger incentive for pirating RT's new content online which isn't difficult to find. I mean, what is there to gain from this? Make Firsties feel appreciated? Well, that's fine; they are paying to see the content, but Firsties get all sorts of extra goodies for their money than just the regular content. Why the hell do they need this too? When I was a Firstie, I never indulged in the extra content because I didn't want it--I just wanted to watch RWBY. F*ck the other sh*t. Ergo, the only reason RT would do this is because they're becoming more and more corporate and looking to make more and more of a profit because this scheduling change, and the subsequent hope that it'll move a few more First memberships, only really benefits them.
So, now that RT's doing that, what does that mean for me and my blog? Well, RWBY Critiques was never really popular on YouTube, and there's no reason to think it would be much more popular on my blog. And, since I hate myself for buying a First membership the first time around, and since the world isn't going to end just because it takes me a week to see the next episode of RWBY, I will not be buying a First membership. In all honesty, I hope the First program crashes and burns, and all those who came up with the idea and support it get it violent diarrhea. Rooster Teeth is a content creator; by making their content exclusive, or in other words elitist, they are basically saying, "You guys are giving us too much money and we don't want it all, so we're going to piss you off so you will give us less." Content creators should not restrict access their content. It should be available to all.
Now, some of you may call me a hypocrite because I'm a writer, and as a writer, I charge prices for my books. But, RT is asking you to pay $2.99 a month for a year ($36/yr) in advance for a whole bunch of sh*t, most of which, you probably don't care about. And when the year is over, they'll ask you to pay them another $36/yr. I ask for $.99-$12.99, depending on the book and the format it's in, but it's a one time purchase and that copy is yours until the end of time. Also, I'm not asking people who really want the book to pay more--the price is the same for everyone regardless of how strong their desire is. And there are no early releases; everyone gets the book on the same day. Which is a better deal? Which is a fairer deal?
So, I will not be buying in RT's First Membership. Will this hurt them? For my part, it won't. When it comes to RT, I'm not much of a community member and I'm not much of a fan. I have Adblock installed, I don't care about the extra crap they put out, I only watch RWBY, Achievement Hunter, and Heroes & Halfwits, but if I lost H&H or AH, I could continue living, it's really only RWBY I'm attached to, but beyond the DVD, Blu-ray, and soundtrack, I don't buy any other RT merch. But, I'm not going to stop writing RWBY Speculation and doing the novelization because only I stand to really lose by stopping those. And I will do RWBY Critiques, but the release schedule for that will have to be changed. But my relationship with RT will be damaged. I've never been to RTX and because of sh*t like this, I never want to go. Honestly, I'm surprised like f*ck that there are people in RT that aren't mad as hell about this. More than 200 people work for RT; isn't there anyone in that company against this sh*t? I would've thought that RT thought more of the people who made them what they are than just a bunch wallets with eyeballs. So, I now have a lower opinion of RT as well. And it wasn't all that lofty to begin with.
Anyway, that's my piece on this. Sorry it was a rant. But, if you think what RT is doing is f*cking ungrateful and disgusting, let them know. Blow their sh*t up on it, and support the privateers who are privatizing their content so you can access it for free. But, until next time...
Keep writing, my friends.
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