Sunday, December 2, 2018

The MBTI Guide to INTJ Threats

Hey, everyone.

So, last week's post of The INTJ Way of Saying 25 Sexy, Dirty, Salacious, and Raunchy Things was an interesting experiment. I originally intended to do the same thing this week, but with violent threats instead. Things didn't work out that way since so many threats are most effective in their simplest forms, i.e. "I'm going to tear you a new one!" Not to mention, you can tell how infuriated an INTJ is depending on the degree of break down in his eloquence, meaning such threats are best at their simplest and require no INTJ equivalent.

The reason why INTJs would let this be so is because while we are not violent people, we do have Se as our inferior function. Seeing as how Se is not a part of ourselves often seen, it becomes necessary to show those who are pushing our boundaries that we are not all timeless wisdom and mysticism. So, to scare the Hell out of these people, we may find it necessary to tell them straight up that we're going to bash in their skull in rather than say "I'm going to forcefully impact the side of your skull so as to cause its collapse."

At one point I intended to make a list of threats that INTJs might make and classify them according to which INTJ function was responsible for making them. This unfortunately proved rather difficult as all the threats I came up with, some of which beings quotes from music, movies, and video games, I soon realized most of them are the sort of eloquent threat that might be made via an INTJ's Ni function, or at least partly. It seems that INTJs are more prone to threaten a person with total annihilation than a simple skull-bashing or curb-stomping, at least when we're not actually infuriated and trying to be creative.

So, where does this leave this post? Well, it further proves that INTJs are human just like anyone else and when sufficiently irritated, they may find comfort and joy in the delightfully meaty and barbaric threats that less eloquent individuals are prone to. However, it also further illustrates that while INTJs may relish physical carnage, their first taste for vengeance tends to take the route of existential suffering or ultimate obliteration. Once you read the threats I have compiled, you will see what I mean.

1. I'm going to perish you like lesser people perish thoughts.

2. They'll never find your body.

3. I'm going to end you.

4. No mercy! No mercy! No mercy on your soul!

(Similar to a lyric from the song "Any Means Necessary" by Hammerfell.)

5. A plague upon you!

6. May no one remember your name.

(The English translation of Ezio Auditore's last words to Cesare Borgia in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.)

7. I curse you with a pestilence so foul, it'll make the ten plagues of Egypt look like a summer holiday.

8. I have become Death, the Destroyer of your world!

9. Fighting me is suicide since your death is assured.

10. Your suffering shall be legendary, even in Hell!

(Quoted from the movie Hellbound: Hellraiser II. I don't recommend it.)

11. My ire demands your death.

12. My swathe of terror shall be so great, it'll make Vlad the Impaler's rule look like a lazy Sunday afternoon!


I apologize for the brevity of this post, but it developed into something that I didn't predict, nor what I really wanted. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to fix it. With Christmas quickly approaching, I have so much to do. In addition to buying presents, I also have to bake cookies, rewrite ROCCO, which isn't going well, work out, put together a presentation for my young adults group, and I'm getting more hours at work. That's good for my paycheck, but it's bad for my free time.

I think these next few posts up until the new year are likely to be very short or basic. For next week, since it's Advent and fighting to keep one's faith is a theme in my book, I think I'm going to be writing an INTJ's prayer. If you want to make sure you don't miss it, please consider joining my mailing list or to make sure I never waste my time again, and support me on Patreon. I take things more seriously when I get paid for them. So until next week... 

Keep writing, my friends.

More About Bryan C. Laesch:

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