So I have a few updates to share, but if you're not interested, go ahead and skip down to the bolded Today's Post.
Anyway, as you can guess, things have gotten a little messed up. Easter Sunday and Monday didn't go as planned. I was also busy looking into different kinds of blogs to relaunch this one, but I can't find any that I really like or are as flexible as good, old Blogger here. My only real problems with Blogger are that older posts within a topic don't show up in a feed and my URL/site name doesn't really make sense for what this blog has turned into.
Unfortunately, it makes little sense to just move all my posts onto a new Blogger page since it's the same platform and most of my views are through Facebook and Pinterest links which means no one's really bothering to commit my site address to memory. Plus, if I removed stuff from this blog, those links would become useless. I'd have to put up duplicates. Not a big problem since I own it all and I can do with it all as I please, but it could be confusing for some.
Anyway, it seems like the only thing I can do is stick it out with this one until I get the money to have a true blue website which means I need to work on my Patreon as well as come up with something for opt-ins so people will join my mailing list. With the way things are, I'll probably need to have a mailing list for INTJ posts and a separate one for my writing stuff as those are the only two "things" I put out that I believe people would subscribe for. And like I said, I'm working on bringing up my INTJ/MBTI t-shirt store which is a little more difficult than I thought. But if you truly believe in the work I'm capable of, show me the love and join my Patreon. I have a variety of levels for patrons and a variety of rewards. Check'em out!
Today's Post
To the matter at hand... About two months ago, I enrolled in a program called Called and Gifted. It's put on and through the Catherine of Sienna Institute. Catherine of Sienna is a Saint of the Roman Catholic Church, but as a Roman Catholic myself, I do admit that she might have been crazy. Anyway, the point of this program is to help people discern their charisms, and some charisms can be personality type specific, so I've decided to cover the nine possible charisms for INTJs. But what is a charism?
Well, The Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 799 says, "Whether extraordinary or simple and humble, charisms are graces of the Holy Spirit which directly or indirectly benefit the Church, ordered as they are to her building up, to the good of men, and to the needs of the world." Meanwhile, the Catherine of Sienna Institute in their Called and Gifted program define a charism as a "spiritual gift granted by the Holy Spirit that gives a Christian special empowerment to bring God's redeeming love into the world." Basically, a charism is a super power from God that helps to make His presence, power, and love known. It's also the blanket term I used in ROCCO for my characters superpowers.
Before I continue, I must address the elephant in the room. I know the last paragraph talks a lot about God and Christianity, and I know that INTJs are statistically the least likely to admit to the existence of a higher power. Therefore I have to tell you that everyone has charisms, even non-Christians. Although I will admit the Called and Gifted workbook, Discerning Charisms, does say that having an active faith life increases the efficacy and presence of a charism. So it's completely possible that you have some of the nine below even without being a Catholic or even a Christian. However, it is also possible you may have none of the charisms below. And unfortunately, you can't discern your charisms by simply taking an online test. That will help point you in the right direction, but discernment takes your entire life. But I don't want to get into how to discern your charisms in this post and all the other nitty-gritty. For now I'll list what they are along with their definitions, and why I think it's possible INTJs can have these nine.
1. Knowledge
Knowledge empowers a Christian to be a channel of God’s truth through diligent study and intellectual activity that enables us to better understand God, ourselves, and the universe.
There's not too much more that can be said about Knowledge, but since it is one of the charisms I'm thought to have, I can tell you a little more about it. The thing that really sticks out about Knowledge is that whereas most people might say they can feel God, His presence, or His love, I've never had this feeling myself. My understanding and study of God's wonders isn't a personal, feely (feeling), or emotional experience. It's actually an intellectual or academic understanding. Rather than listening to about how people feel blessed, I'd rather study the theology of God's power. If I have a question about God or the Catholic Church, I go look up the answer myself in The Catechism of the Catholic Church. And if I have follow-up question, I then pursue the theological documents that the Catechism is written from.
However, charisms aren't necessarily always tied up with God and religion. One of the "moderators" for Called and Gifted shared that he is able to recall specific pieces of knowledge, but not always know how he got the knowledge or where. This reminded me of the idea that many INTJs report having "Eureka!" moments. Some believe this is because our Introverted Intuition (Ni) is constantly operating, even on a subconscious level. However, in religion, we have the term "divine revelation." Basically, it means that there are things out there that we can't know on our own; they have to be revealed to us from a higher source. While INTJs may experience Eureka naturally, I believe that some of our Eureka moments could be influenced by divine revelation. If not, then at the very least, it is because we have the charism of Knowledge. Perhaps one can't be had without the other.
One important thing I have to mention about Knowledge is that it isn't a charism that can be used by itself. In order for knowledge to have any real worth, it must be conveyed by some other means. For this reason, Knowledge often works hand-in-hand with other charisms such as Writing and Teaching. Speaking of which...
2. Writing
Writing empowers a Christian to be a channel of God’s creativity by using words to create works of truth or beauty that reflect the fullness of human experience and bring glory to God.
This is another charism where just because God and Christianity are being mentioned, that doesn't necessarily mean that they are directly involved with Writing. In The Catholic Spiritual Gifts Inventory, it is mentioned that J.R.R. Tolkien likely had the charism of Writing. According to the Inventory, some people have converted to Christianity due to Tolkien's Lord of the Rings which many of us know isn't directly Christian although it may have Christian themes or virtues.
This is something I may be able to vouch for. A few months ago I was contacted on Facebook by someone who read my blog. I don't remember why she did, but she said she agreed with some claim I had made about INTJs. The main point of our discussion was the fact that some INTJs get hung up on "INTJ orthodoxy." That is to say the idea that INTJs must possess certain traits and can't possess others at all. Well, while I was speaking to this young lady, religion did come up. She admitted that the Eastern religions appealed to her most although I did try to softly evangelize for Christianity. But my point is that something I wrote moved an individual to better understand herself and has possibly set her on the path to God. This could be proof for the existence of a charism of Writing.
But my personal experience not withstanding, it is well-known that INTJs express themselves better through writing than speaking. When we talk to ourselves, we are some of the most eloquent speakers you'll ever have the pleasure of never hearing, but in the heat of the moment, that all flies out the window. However, in writing, we are able to retain most of that eloquence, sometimes even being able to find a more eloquent way of putting things.
3. Teaching
Teaching empowers a Christian to be a channel of God’s truth and wisdom by enabling others to learn information and skills that help them reach their fullest spiritual and personal potential.
Again, another charism that isn't strictly religious and has potential in secular ways. Note: "personal potential." So teaching something secular can be proof of Teaching. I for instance am a tutor and certified dog trainer. Now, while "Sit" may not get anyone to Heaven, me teaching someone Italian, Spanish, English, or mathematics very well could help someone reach their potential. One of my tutoring students suffers from ADHD and was doing abhorrently in his maths. But thanks to me and whatever teaching abilities I possess, he understands his algebra much, much better. His grades and confidence have greatly improved. He even seems to enjoy himself when I tutor. He has also encouraged me to become an actual teacher.
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Obviously, I'm not going to do it. |
But as for INTJs, again, going back to Knowledge, it's well-known we're information sponges. We collect it like some people collect bottle caps. Add to that, it's been said that INTJs are most comfortable in social situations when our intelligence is stimulated or activated. While we're not very good at flirting, we manage to show an attractive confidence when we are in teaching positions. This also likely means that we're the sort to mess around with our students, but this also means that we can easily snag a phone number when we find someone bad at something we're good at. I know that for myself I get excited by the prospect of teaching some sweet, young thang archery, rollerblading, or even Italian. (By the way, two of those three have actually happened.)
4. Administration
Administration empowers a Christian to be an effective channel of God's wisdom by providing the planning and coordination needed to accomplish good things.
Thanks to our Extraverted Thinking (Te), INTJs have a natural eye for organization and efficiency. This means we're able to spot weak links and potential problems, and solve them before they happen. We can also allocate resources and people to where they're needed most. This may not seem like a big deal, in fact, in discernment, that's how we tell the difference between a skill and a charism, one's ordinary and the other is practically a miracle, but it is amazing how inefficient some systems are. Also, I would think God would want to give someone a charism that they already have the mind for. So be on the look out for this one.
5. Helps
Helps empowers a Christian to be a channel of God’s goodness by using his or her talents and charisms to enable other individuals to serve God and people more.
I can feel a lot of INTJs cringing at this one. The idea of helping another--say it ain't so! Not to mention, so you help someone--big deal! But before you shirk this one off, listen. Helps is actually a little more complicated and miraculous than the above definition. Like I said in Administration, the result of using a charism is almost a mystical experience with often (semi-) miraculous effects. And, using your charism makes you feel good. In one meeting, we were given the insight that using your charism "gives you life." You can feel absolutely drained and sh*t-tastic, but after using your charism, you feel much, much better.
Also, it is important to note that Helps is a charism that is used behind closed curtains. So it's entirely possible INTJs have used Helps when assisting someone they like to shine. Helps is very focused on helping the individual and not so much focused on the task. And the thing about INTJs is that while we like people from a great distance, those that we're close to we absolutely adore. However, if an INTJ doesn't see the change he is making or the importance of the change he's making, he can lose his feel for Helps.
6. Wisdom
Wisdom empowers a Christian to be a channel of God’s goodness through remarkable insight that enables him or her to come up with creative solutions to specific problems and make good decisions.
Another ability or gift that sort of seems like a no-brainer, but again, the important thing to remember about charisms is that they have miraculous results. And with a charism like Wisdom, it can handle the weirdest situations with ease. Wisdom cuts through the fat and gets to the bone of the matter, and solves the issue with a masterful flourish. And with that I'm sure I don't need to remind you that INTJs do have the stereotype of being seen as wise men. Perhaps not literally, but it is said that people seek our advice and insights. That's almost never happened to me, so I can't comment, but that's what I hear. But perhaps our eye for detail along with our Ni are the sources for this charism.
7. Leadership
Leadership empowers a Christian to be an agent of God's purposes by sharing a compelling vision of a better future with others and by directing the overall efforts of a group as they work together to make the vision a reality.
That's right; Leadership is a charism. But how is it different from Administration? Well, Leadership is about unifying people and getting work done. Administration is making sure the materials and resources that are needed to complete a project get to where they need to go. Leaders are on the cutting edge floor, making it happen. Administrators are in an office handling the money. Hopefully that answers the question.
Anyway, just like with Wisdom, an INTJ's Ni and Te (possibly with a little help from Extraverted Sensing [Se]), INTJs can be good leaders. We see the problems, the problems piss us off, and then we boss others around into helping us fix the problems. Well, maybe not quite. That sounds a bit too much like an ENTJ, but if a problem pisses off an INTJ enough, we can definitely act like an ENTJ.
However, considering that most INTJs take leadership on begrudgingly, INTJs may not possess Leadership. Like I said, I believe charisms are given to those who have a mind for them, and INTJs don't really have a mind for it. So, I don't feel that confident about this one.
8. Encouragement
Encouragement empowers a Christian to be an effective channel of God’s love nurturing others through his or her presence and words of comfort, encouragement, and counsel.
Just like with Helps, at first it appears that the prickly INTJ doesn't have Encouragement. However, no one said we have to nurture others all at once. We can do it one-on-one. And again, INTJs do greatly value those closest to them. So it's possible INTJs may have Encouragement, especially through something like counsel. Although, I will admit that I think Encouragement would better benefit someone who can let the love out for strangers, like someone with Extraverted Feeling. So, this isn't one of those that I feel particularly confident of, but INTJs do want everyone operating at their best.
9. Pastoring
Pastoring empowers a Christian to be an effective channel of God’s love and build Christian community by nurturing the relationships and long-term spiritual growth of a group.
This is one of those charisms where it seems like you can't get around the whole religious thing. But I bet that's not what's hanging some of you up. No. The complicated bit is how is it that an INTJ might have this charism even if we assume the INTJ is religious?
Well, one of the reasons for my argument is that Pastoring came up in my assessment. At one point in my past, I was a youth minister and a Catechism aide. And more recently, I've helped to relaunch a young adult group at my church. But I will admit that I didn't get into any of these because I wanted to pastor a group of the faithful. However, if we think of Pastoring as being a combination of Leadership, Teaching, Knowledge, and Encouragement, it doesn't seem all that impossible.
INTJs are natural leaders, even if we don't want to lead--we still have the ability. And INTJs can be very supportive. We may not support someone emotionally, like we may not always be there with a hug, but we do value the best in ourselves and in others. As for Teaching and Knowledge, when you add them on top, it begins to make sense how INTJs could make good pastors. Now, we may not make great pastors, like say being a Pastor for a church, but for small, casual groups, we may just do the trick.
So those are the nine possible charisms for INTJs. Are there more charisms out there? Oh, yes. There are 26 charisms mentioned in The Catholic Spiritual Gifts Inventory, and there are potentially many, many more. There could be no limit.
Charisms are also tricky things because they can't be discerned in a vacuum--they require extensive testing and you could be discerning one for your entire life. And sometimes, charisms are temporary--they only stick around long enough for you to get the job done. Perhaps I'll go into detail about these nine in future posts, but if you would like to investigate the phenomenon yourself, you can contact the Catherine of Sienna Institute at info@siena.org or visit their website: www.siena.org. There are a bunch of materials for this whole Called and Gifted thing.
As for me, I'm pretty sure Knowledge, Teaching, and Writing are all my charisms. The others, not so much. I tried to test Wisdom, but it didn't really work which may have been a sign from God that I don't have it. But even if I don't have them, I don't really mind. I know for myself that I know a lot, I'm a better than decent teacher, and my writing ain't so bad either. And all three give me joy. So it's probable that they are, but who cares if they're not. And maybe that's a sign that I do indeed have them.
For my next post, I'm not sure what I'll do. I think I may cover the idea of why MBTI, as great as it is, isn't a perfect system. I've been reading My True Type by A.J. Drenth and it has been most illuminating. So illuminating that I have to go back and correct some of my assumptions in earlier posts. That's gonna suck. But until then...
Keep writing, my friends.
More About Bryan C. Laesch:
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