Friday, September 1, 2017

RWBY: The Novelization: "Yellow" Trailer

A sport motorcycle roared through the city streets of Vale. The street lights made its yellow and orange gradients blaze in the night. Atop the bike was a young girl of seventeen. She accelerated her precious Bumblebee down a straight before braking for a left turn and came to a screeching halt just outside of Junior’s Club, one of Vale’s most popular night spots.
The girl dismounted her bike and took off her yellow helmet and goggles, placing them on the bike before walking up to the club.
As she approached the entrance, a chilly evening wind blew, but it did not chill her for one as hot as her, for one who burned like her, it only served to accent her beauty like a wind spreading a flame. It blew open the lapel of her brown, midriff bearing jacket revealing a low-cut, yellow crop top clinging to her ample bust. The gust also picked up the rear hem of her asymmetrical, brown pleated skirt revealing her black short shorts beneath.
The wind blew harder, and the girl placed a cautionary hand up to the orange scarf wrapped around her neck, but shook her hair out. The wind caught her long tresses kicking up the golden, curly mane before dropping it all the way down to the small of her back.
She stopped in front of the club’s sliding glass doors and examined her reflection with lilac eyes. She didn’t know exactly what she was going to do once she went inside, but she still wanted to look more than presentable. Sure, she was sassy, but there was no reason why she couldn’t turn heads at the same time. After all, she was Yang Xiao Long, huntress-in-training, set to attend Vale’s own Beacon Academy in the spring.
Yang inspected every bit of herself. The only things she touched up were her brown knee-high leather boots, pulling them snugly up. But she didn’t adjust her knee-high orange socks: one was at the knee and the other just above the knee. While scathing eyes may have demanded that she be symmetrical, she preferred the contrast.
Yang tapped the strange metallic wristbands she wore and padded the pouches attached to the belt of her skirt. Everything seemed to be in order. She looked back up at her reflection and smiled. She was going to have fun.
Yang sauntered through the sliding doors into the spacious nightclub converted from an industrial warehouse. She nailed the entrance: her hips wiggled up and down, her back was straight with shoulders pushed back and chest pushed out, and the pièce de résistance was her confident little smirk.
The club was decorated with circular glass pillars here and there, and the patrons had come out in force. The strobes and lasers were in full swing as the DJ, wearing an oversized bear’s head, kept pumping out the jams. By a miraculous coincidence, the song being played was “I Burn,” an electronic beat that was one of Yang’s favorites. She took it as a good sign.
  Yang looked to her left and saw her quarry, the owner of Junior’s Nightclub, Junior himself. He was at the bar talking to a man dressed in a long white coat with a black bowler and cane. Whatever business they were conducting was concluded as Yang approached. The man in the coat seemed fairly pleased as he strode off, but Junior’s mood seemed to have taken a dark turn. He leaned his arms on the bar next to two of his employees, the club’s eye candy, the Malachite twins, Miltiades and Melanie. Both wore the same strapless dress with the exception that Miltia wore it in red and Melanie wore it in white.
Yang approached the bar and slyly came to a stop right next to Junior. She saw him dismiss the Malachite sisters out of the corner of her eye. Yang couldn’t stop herself from marveling at how tall he was. She barely came up to his shoulders, and even then, it was only the cowlick on top of her head.
“Strawberry Sunrise,” said Yang to the bartender, acting casual. “No ice. Oh, and one of those little umbrellas.”
Junior took the bait.
“Aren’t you a little young to be in this club, Blondie?”
Yang turned and giggled. “Aren’t you a little old to have a name like ‘Junior?’”
“So, you know who I am. Ya got a name, sweetheart?”
“Yes, Junior. I’ve got several. But instead of sweetheart,” she said, dragging her finger down his arm in a vampish manner, “you can just call me ‘sir!’” she said, her hand grabbing onto Junior somewhere below the belt causing him to squeal in painful surprise.
This was the part Yang hadn’t planned, but it served her purpose. “People say you know everything.” She pulled out her iScroll and an image of a raven haired woman with red eyes came up on the screen. “Tell me where I can find her, and I’ll let you go.”
“I’ve never seen before!” said Junior in a high voice. “I swear!”
Yang squeezed harder. “Excuse me!”
“I swear! Sir!”
A number of Junior’s men, employees or henchmen, depending on the day, ran up to the bar. They were all dressed in the same tacky black suit with matching red ties and sunglasses. Each had a black bowler, and they all wielded either a small axe or short curved sword with a red blade.
“Hmm,” said Yang unfazed. “Looks like we have an audience. This must be kind of embarrassing for you, huh? Awkward.”
“Listen, Blondie! Sir!” Junior quickly added. “If you want to make it out of this club alive, I suggest you let me go. Now!”
Yang got what she needed from him, so she did as Junior said and pocketed her scroll.
Junior let out a sigh of relief. “You’ll pay for that,” he managed in his regular voice. He began to limp away and tried to save some face by donning his own red sunglasses.
Yang quickly ran after him onto the dance floor. “Oh, Junior. I was just playing with you. Don’t be so sensitive. C’mon. Let’s kiss and make up, okay?”
Yang made a flirty giggle and bent at the hip showing off her cleavage and puckering up.
“Uh… okay.” He bent forward.
Just as their lips were about to touch, Yang threw her fist forward and sent Junior flying back across the entirety of the club smashing through several glass pillars. He crashed into the wall next to the entrance and was in a daze. The patrons on the dance floor panicked and ran.
Junior’s men charged at Yang and her bracelets expanded into dual-ranged shot-gauntlets covering her entire lower arms and hands. Each gauntlet had twelve rounds of Dust ammo. Yang brought one arm forcefully back and the shotgun-like pump moved back chambering a round.
Junior’s men raised their weapons as they got close, but Yang jumped high into the air. At the apex, she waited for gravity to pull her down and she smiled feeling like a hawk looking down at its prey. The song playing in the club reached her favorite lyric, “Yellow beauty burns… gold.”
Oh, yes. This was going to be fun.
Yang crashed into the dance floor and her gauntlet went off. There was a fiery blast from the barrel at the end of her fist and it exploded outward throwing all of Junior’s men back several feet.  She ran at a group of them as they recovered and succeeded in knocking them all out with a combination of well practiced punches accentuated by Dust discharges from her gauntlets.
The next group was some distance away and Yang decided to show off another one of her techniques. She locked her arm and shoulder in place and fired her gauntlet. The force of the discharge sent her backward at incredible speed and her elbow went straight into the stomach of a henchman. Yang showed off this capability again by using the shot from the gauntlet to spin herself around unbelievably fast and kicked another. A third ran up and Yang lambasted him with a series of punches firing her gauntlets each time.
Suddenly, machine gun fire lit up the floor around her. The DJ was still up in his booth and was armed with a gun, the Vale Typewriter. Yang charged and used her gauntlets to give her a boost of speed. She jumped into the booth, kicked the DJ disarming him, smashed his head into the turntables, and then threw him out of the booth giving him a final blast from both gauntlets. He landed unconscious on the dance floor, his giant novelty bear head rolling away.
Yang turned her attention back to the dance floor and saw the Malachite sisters standing there. Miltia had a pair of curved metal claws extending from her fists and Melanie was wearing a pair of weaponized high heels.
“Melanie,” said Miltia in a blasé voice, “who is this girl?”
“I don’t know, Miltia,” replied Melanie in the same tone. Then in a slightly darker one, “Let’s teach her a lesson.”
Yang grinned at the new challengers. She ejected the spent dust shells from her gauntlets, threw strips of red shells into the air and caught them in her shot gauntlets. She jumped from the DJ booth and shot her gauntlets while still flying. This time, a projectile was fired from them that exploded on contact.
Melanie and Miltia dodged the first salvo. They attacked Yang when she landed, and proved to be worthy adversaries. Melanie managed to cut two of Yang’s projectiles in half deflecting them elsewhere.
The twins charged together and managed to beat Yang back. But Yang used her gauntlets to charge back into the thick of things and knocked Melanie away with a point blank blasting punch. On her own, Miltia was a poor opponent being easily countered with an uppercut to the gut and another to the head. She was sent flying and crashed into a glass pillar.
Yang went after Melanie next, but found her much more resourceful. Melanie was a master of kicks and could cut Yang’s projectiles from up close. Melanie gained the upper hand and kicked Yang back.
Yang glowered; she wasn’t having fun right now. This girl was very skilled and it was to Yang’s slight shame that she wasn’t as good at kicking as she was at punching. She’d need a new tactic.
Melanie rushed in, but didn’t attack immediately. Instead, she played a game of footsies; Melanie teased and taunted Yang with feints to her legs and even just raised her knees to see what Yang would do.
Yang kept retreating, but when Melanie showed her back for a spinning kick, Yang dodged under it, and elbowed her in the stomach. Melanie’s equilibrium gone, she was an easy target as Yang grabbed her by the wrist, led her around in a circle around herself, and then Yang finished her off with a kick of her own straight to the face. Melanie fell in defeat.
Yang looked around waiting for her next combatant. He showed up a second later as none other than Junior himself, this time equipped with a bazooka.
“You’re gonna pay for this!”
Junior shot the bazooka and the missile split into multiple smaller projectiles. Yang jumped back dodging them, and then rolled forward through the explosion they caused. Junior fired a second time and a second time, the missile split. But this time, Yang shot her gauntlets at the projectiles destroying any that came near her.
Junior transformed the bazooka into a large metal bat and leapt at Yang. She took a defensive posture and while she blocked Junior’s hits, she still took three of them from the bat directly.
Junior spun around and hit her a fourth time that she wasn’t expecting and was knocked back significantly into a glass stage that shattered.
Yang got up and giggled with a smile. Junior was put off slightly by her confidence and noticed a strange flame-like aura coming from her hair. She was going to show him her secret weapon, her Semblance.
Yang summoned the power she had suffered in the fight into her fists and charged.
Junior shot the bazooka again, but Yang dodged it and went into a punch chain. It was fast, furious, and combined with her shot gauntlets, was quite painful. Yang took a step forward and threw everything she had into a final cross. Junior, before being hit, got to see Yang’s soft lilac eyes change to a ferocious red.
Junior was knocked back several feet. He looked at his bazooka—it had been broken in half. But then he looked at his other hand and saw several gold strands in it. He looked at Yang and smiled.
Yang clenched her fists and her tendons snapped. It had all been fun and games. But now… now it was personal.
Yang released her aura to its furthest extent and a flame seemed to burst outwardly from her filling the entire club. She ran forward yelling a battle cry at the top of her lungs and Junior felt a mind-numbing, leg-paralyzing, bladder-emptying fear.
The last punch connected and there was an explosion. All the windows in the club shattered and Junior was thrown out of one landing outside in the street. Yang quickly followed jumping out of the window and landing on her feet behind him.
“Yang?” said a voice. “Is that you?”
Yang looked up and saw a girl wearing a black combat skirt matched with a red riding hood and cloak. “Oh! Hey, sis!”
“What’re you doing here?” asked Ruby.
Yang sighed. “It’s a long story.”

RWBY: The Novelization is not endorsed by Rooster Teeth in any way. Views, opinions, and thoughts are all my own. Rooster Teeth and RWBY are trade names or registered trademarks of Rooster Teeth Productions, LLC. © Rooster Teeth Productions, LLC.

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