Monday, November 5, 2018

What INTJs Are Like During the Holidays

Hey, everyone.

As you can tell from the fact I haven't posted on schedule, my schedule is off. While this could be due to the fact that I agreed to watch my uncle's dogs which has taken several hours out of my day and cost me sleep, the thing at which I squarely place the blame for not being able to write is Halloween. Holidays always screw up my writing schedule since my time ends up being used for things like preparing for and celebrating the holiday. But it's probably all right since most people have their schedules similarly accosted in such a manner. But this gave me an idea for a blog post, and a quick and dirty one at that, and that is, what INTJs are like during the holidays.

Most days, INTJs are who you think they are: we're the ever-serious perfectionist seeking eldritch secrets in the most efficient way possible while remaining true to who we are. However, when it comes to the holidays, you see a rare alteration in us that 95% of the population believes doesn't exist. But believe me when I say so, during the holidays, INTJs can be... fun.

While it is certainly possible that some INTJs have the humor of "And what exactly is a holiday, and why should I celebrate it? Surely there is a more efficient way to spend my time." But INTJs are also human which means we possess feelings, fond memories, and a desire to let our hair down, just like everyone else. It's just that we're able to maintain our focus--a stronger than average focus at that--longer than everyone else, which makes everyone think we're incapable of such aforementioned things.

So, how or why is it that INTJs can be fun during the holidays, or even fun in general? Well, a part of the magic of holidays is the joyful and festive atmosphere. While INTJs are not known to smile in the least, we find ourselves compelled to partake in the festivities due to the gaiety these times induce. It's not so much that INTJs can't smile as it is more that we're not likely to smile. We have no reason to, and so we don't. But as I've said, the festive nature of a holiday makes everyone want to partake.

Holidays, as it turns out, are acceptable places for personal and public expressions of our rarely seen Extraverted Sensing (Se). You know, our inferior function; the one buried beneath our desires to imagine the possibilities, do everything as correctly as possible, and stick to our inherent moralities. Our Se is what makes us connoisseurs of tea, chocolate, baked goods, and crime scenes. (And it's what makes us dynamite in the sack.)

It's our Se that allows us to indulge in the world's pleasures and be taken with them. We see others enjoying themselves, and we too want to enjoy ourselves, so we allow our Se to come out and play. But that's not all that is going on. Remember, I said we see others enjoying themselves, and part of the fun of people enjoying themselves is seeing others having fun too. That's right--a part of INTJs having fun during the holidays is an expression of Extraverted Feeling (Fe).

Now, I can already hearing you screaming, "But INTJs don't have Fe!" Well, as it turns out, smart guy, if you had studied your Jung in addition to your Myers and Briggs, you'd know that all people actually have all functions, not just four. And in fact, when you study personality typing under the Jungian philosophy, it is revealed that there are far more than just sixteen personalities as the eight functions can be aligned in whatever order of importance the individual feels they are. You also have to remember that even in MBTI, you're not one function or the other, your personality is actually on a scale with either function on either end. So, just because your function "is" Fi, that doesn't mean you lack Fe, it just means you're more Fi than you are Fe.

Anyway, the point is, is that during the holidays, INTJs let their hair down and show off their Se taking joy in the festivities, and they show off their Fe taking joy in being around others who are also enjoying themselves. As a result, INTJs can become jolly and silly during the holidays. However, they're going to do so in a very INTJ-like way. For instance, if you want them to sing a Christmas carol, they will, but they'll know every verse, try to sing in tune, and depending on the carol, they'll be a true showman about it complete with theatrics and miming movements. Basically, it'll be perfect, focused, and everything a good Christmas carol should be. After all, if you're going to have fun, you have to do it the right way.


I apologize for the brevity of this post, but I'm very busy these days and for the next two weeks. Who knows if I'll be able to turn out two more blog posts in that time, but if you want to make sure you don't miss them, please join my mailing list. And with the generous support you can give me through Patreon, I'll make sure to turn these posts out on time come hell or high water.

For next week, I'm not sure what I'll do. There is an easy idea or two I could turn out, as well as go back to Quick and Dirty INTJ Thoughts, so we'll see what we will see. Until then...

Keep writing, my friends.

More About Bryan C. Laesch:

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