Following my piece on INTJ hobbies, 16 Personalities asked me to complete an article on ESFPs and academics with no further input. As a result, this one has looser formatting, but I was still paid for it.
Each type of the 16 personalities has qualities in varying degrees that makes them unique. These qualities affect them in every aspect of their lives including how they approach and how they handle school. School and proper study are generally regarded as being important in every major society on the planet, and there are some personalities who excel at academics making everything they do into an independent study. Then there are some who are more reluctant than others, one being ESFPs, the entertainers and people persons of the 16 personalities. An ESFP is more likely to seek a good time, either a party or giving a performance, and as such, they’re not likely to spend a lot of time focusing on reading, writing, and arithmetic.
ESFPs are individualistic doing what they can to stick out in a crowd either with their actions or fashion sense. The core subjects like history, math, science, and writing don’t offer ESFPs much in the way of entertainment or fun. That isn’t to say that they can’t be good students, they’re just not likely to be effective in the classroom. The subjects best suited for an ESFP would include music and drama which enable them to stand out.
However there are subjects that even the most outgoing ESFP would likely find interesting. Due to their very social nature, ESFPs like to relate to people, feel what they feel, and preferably, make them happy. Because of this empathetic nature, this makes ESFPs naturals for psychology and politic sciences enabling them to be among and serve the people as counselors, therapists, social workers, and politicians in their careers.
But an academic career cannot be built on only one or a couple of subjects. So, how does one teach the core subjects to an ESFP? Since ESFPs are the life of the party, they need to have fun. So if an instructor can make a subject fun and exciting, an ESFP will take an interest in it. And because ESFPs are good at perception, they need to learn in a concrete, visual way with practical examples meaning that they’re not interested in ideas and theories.
ESFPs do have one amazing advantage in education though—they’re social learners making them prone to forming study groups. While not everyone benefits from a group study session, like INTJs, there are many who do especially if they’re having trouble in a subject. And because an ESFP can get along with nearly anyone, they’re natural hosts. Debates, contests, and educational games also appeal to ESFPs satisfying their desires to be around people and in the lime light.
However, ESFPs do have a few very important weaknesses. ESFPs tend to put things off to the last minute. While they do have a high stress tolerance, they don’t make good long-term plans meaning that they often struggle with large, ambitious, and detailed projects. Another weakness is that ESFPs are sensitive and averse to conflict. So giving an ESFP criticism on a project can make them feel singled out and are unlikely to be receptive to help that they may desperately need.
In conclusion, while ESFPs aren’t known for their academic prowess, they can still be good students. Their social nature gives them a natural disposition for psychology and politics while also giving them the tools to form successful study groups that everyone is likely to have fun and excel with. ESFPs however do put things off and don’t make good long-term plans, but if an instructor can make learning fun with a lot of practical examples, then an ESFP will learn and enjoy the theoretical and determinate subjects.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
INTJ Hobbies--16 Personalities
This is a short piece that I wrote for the English website 16 Personalities on the personality type INTJ and their hobbies. They seemed impressed with it.
Every type of the 16 personalities has qualities in varying degrees that makes them unique. These qualities affect the individual in every aspect of one’s life from family to friends, to romantic relationships and business associates. It is no surprise then that these qualities would affect the individual’s hobbies. Everyone does something that they love purely for the fun of it, but what may seem like a good time to one personality may not seem like fun to another. INTJs for instance are likely to be a victim of misunderstood interests. But as an INTJ myself, I can tell you that there are activities that we do like to do. It is just that due to our analytical and complex nature, we are often looking for an activity that stimulates our minds. Therefore, most INTJs are likely to be seen as intellectuals, or in a less decorous label, nerds. So allow me to set the record straight as I tell you about the likely interests of INTJs and why they find these activities so appealing.
1. Reading: INTJs love it when a plan comes together. And what’s more, they love it when they can predict what will happen next. Being able to draw conclusions from character action and desire, and being able to make connections between two seemingly unrelated instances makes the INTJ feel superior to other audience members who may not have seen a twist coming. Such a position allows the INTJ to put himself on equal ground with the author and be able to understand him, and to an INTJ, knowledge is empowering. Also, an INTJ doesn’t need to interact with anyone in order to enjoy reading as INTJs tend to keep to themselves.
2. Strategy Games: If an INTJ loves anything more than when a plan comes together, an INTJ loves it when his plan comes together. And for those times when an INTJ must socialize, he’d much rather socialize through a game that requires strategy like Chess instead of talking. There are other games that an INTJ might enjoy such as Blackjack or Poker, but because these games have icky mechanics like luck and probability involved, an INTJ isn’t as likely to enjoy them as much because an INTJ must be in control—INTJs don’t like to lose and will only submit to a superior opponent with a superior mind, not a lucky idiot with destiny on his side. Chess is the kind of game where it comes down to who can out think whom. It also offers an opportunity to manipulate and fool the other player into falling into a trap which is appealing to some INTJs who do desire to control everything they can.
3. Video Games: Despite the fact that video games haven’t been around for long, INTJs are being constantly born over and over. And so, video games offer an easier diversion for younger INTJs who aren’t as likely to be as analytical as older INTJs. With video games, an INTJ can slowly learn the mechanics of the game while learning strategy and testing their own strategies in a safe, risk-free environment. An INTJ is also likely to be enamored with a complex and well-written story, and the possibility of gathering rare items to constantly tip the odds of survival and success in their favor. Some INTJs really dig deep into a game’s mechanics even trying to solve and “break” the mathematical formulas that have been designed by the game’s programmers that rule the outcomes of conflict based on variables of a player’s characters. When the INTJ player can “break” the game, no baddie in the game, or even other players that he may come across through online interaction can pose a threat to him.
Despite the fact that I’ve mentioned games twice, please keep in mind that these are only possible hobbies for an INTJ. INTJs can have varying interests from sports to cooking to even sewing. Regardless of the activity, an INTJ is always looking to satisfy his intellect. He’s analyzing the intricacies of the activity and trying to decipher how to turn those intricacies to his advantage, even if it is only slightly. To an INTJ, it’s always about analysis and control.
Every type of the 16 personalities has qualities in varying degrees that makes them unique. These qualities affect the individual in every aspect of one’s life from family to friends, to romantic relationships and business associates. It is no surprise then that these qualities would affect the individual’s hobbies. Everyone does something that they love purely for the fun of it, but what may seem like a good time to one personality may not seem like fun to another. INTJs for instance are likely to be a victim of misunderstood interests. But as an INTJ myself, I can tell you that there are activities that we do like to do. It is just that due to our analytical and complex nature, we are often looking for an activity that stimulates our minds. Therefore, most INTJs are likely to be seen as intellectuals, or in a less decorous label, nerds. So allow me to set the record straight as I tell you about the likely interests of INTJs and why they find these activities so appealing.
1. Reading: INTJs love it when a plan comes together. And what’s more, they love it when they can predict what will happen next. Being able to draw conclusions from character action and desire, and being able to make connections between two seemingly unrelated instances makes the INTJ feel superior to other audience members who may not have seen a twist coming. Such a position allows the INTJ to put himself on equal ground with the author and be able to understand him, and to an INTJ, knowledge is empowering. Also, an INTJ doesn’t need to interact with anyone in order to enjoy reading as INTJs tend to keep to themselves.
2. Strategy Games: If an INTJ loves anything more than when a plan comes together, an INTJ loves it when his plan comes together. And for those times when an INTJ must socialize, he’d much rather socialize through a game that requires strategy like Chess instead of talking. There are other games that an INTJ might enjoy such as Blackjack or Poker, but because these games have icky mechanics like luck and probability involved, an INTJ isn’t as likely to enjoy them as much because an INTJ must be in control—INTJs don’t like to lose and will only submit to a superior opponent with a superior mind, not a lucky idiot with destiny on his side. Chess is the kind of game where it comes down to who can out think whom. It also offers an opportunity to manipulate and fool the other player into falling into a trap which is appealing to some INTJs who do desire to control everything they can.
3. Video Games: Despite the fact that video games haven’t been around for long, INTJs are being constantly born over and over. And so, video games offer an easier diversion for younger INTJs who aren’t as likely to be as analytical as older INTJs. With video games, an INTJ can slowly learn the mechanics of the game while learning strategy and testing their own strategies in a safe, risk-free environment. An INTJ is also likely to be enamored with a complex and well-written story, and the possibility of gathering rare items to constantly tip the odds of survival and success in their favor. Some INTJs really dig deep into a game’s mechanics even trying to solve and “break” the mathematical formulas that have been designed by the game’s programmers that rule the outcomes of conflict based on variables of a player’s characters. When the INTJ player can “break” the game, no baddie in the game, or even other players that he may come across through online interaction can pose a threat to him.
Despite the fact that I’ve mentioned games twice, please keep in mind that these are only possible hobbies for an INTJ. INTJs can have varying interests from sports to cooking to even sewing. Regardless of the activity, an INTJ is always looking to satisfy his intellect. He’s analyzing the intricacies of the activity and trying to decipher how to turn those intricacies to his advantage, even if it is only slightly. To an INTJ, it’s always about analysis and control.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Hunters of the Old Oath
This is a short story that I wrote for a contest for 3 Elements Literary Review. Apparently, they didn't like it, so I must publish it here. If you are familiar with the video game Bloodborne by From Software, then you will definitely see connections to this piece of work. Personally, I like it so much that I may just turn it into a full length novel with this as the prologue.
You must do something!” a woman shrieked. People were scared. The unholy ritual—the Festival of Demoniacs—was
upon them.
The whole town had
gathered in the church by order of the mayor hoping that they would be safe
there. Many of the townsfolk wished that he would order the deputy and his
subordinates to hunt down the Demoniacs and end their pagan fests. But all
brave men became white before the bluffs, before the Tower; an old occult
structure reaching toward the sky in defiance to the Elder One. There they
would recite their blasphemies performing their arcane and perverse rituals to
summon forth harbingers of doom.
“Good people,” started
the mayor from the pulpit, “Let me assure you that we are doing all we can.”
“And yet our children go
missing, and our livestock dies!” shouted a frustrated farmer.
“Our women are raped by
demons and men are robbed of their courage,” added another. “Will God not help
“Peace to you, good
people,” said the vicar. “A town divided amongst itself cannot stand. And
though we are in the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil for
the grace and peace of the Great One is upon us.”
“A lot of good our
prayers do,” said an elder. “Year by year we are prey to the wolves and our
holy shepherd doesn’t hear our cries!”
must be done!” shrieked the woman. “Hunt them down. Destroy them all!” The
people roared approval and moved in closer. “Hunt them down! Hunt them down!”
we heathens!?” shouted back the vicar. “Again and again this gutless mob has
proven itself fruitless against the Tower. What will ye do differently?”
have an idea,” said a tailor. “Let’s offer the mayor and vicar as a sacrifice
to them. Maybe they’ll leave the rest of us alone.” Again, a roar of approval.
They then began to close in from all sides.
back, ye devils!” warned the vicar, swinging an incense burner. “Any sinner who
touches me with his bare hands will be brained and I’ll have his guts for
garters!” He swung the burner at one member who caught it and tore it from his
hand. Then the rest of the mob snatched them up and began tying them together.
Suddenly, the church door slammed open.
in the doorway stood two tall, dark and grizzled characters. They wore long
coats, tattered hats, and strapped to their waists were long, curved swords with
broad blades. “Put those men down,” ordered the first in a quiet and
acrimonious tone. The mob hesitated. “I said, put them down.” The mob obeyed.
are you?” asked the tailor.
are hunters of the Old Oath.”
Old Oath?!” some repeated, shivers shooting down their spines.
heard tell of your cult of watchers, baying at your doorstep.”
here to slay your monsters,” said the second in a more human tone. “My name is
Hiram. And this is Logarius.”
don’t mean, ‘Logarius, the Old Hunter’, do you?” asked the mayor.
very same,” affirmed Logarius. Though the church was poorly lit, the townsfolk
could still make out the gnarled appearance of his face betraying the decades
of hunts and thousands of injuries received at the teeth and claws of malice
borne beasts. The man himself was feared for his brutal reputation and many
also feared that he had somehow become tainted by those that he so passionately
hunted. Very few men had such a blood-soaked past.
mayor stammered trying to put together a sentence. His voice would not come,
being choked by his apprehension at having not only hunters of the Old Oath in
his town, but also at having Logarius, the Old Hunter, before him. “P-please do
not be up-up-upset,” struggled the mayor. “B-but I really th-think, we have the
s-s-situation under control.”
would I be upset? I don’t care if Demoniacs torment and kill you. We merely
thought that you could use some help. But if you don’t want it… Hiram. Let’s be
on our way.”
wait!” shrieked the woman. She ran forward, but stopped short as Logarius’s
gaze fell upon her. The woman trembled clutching her chest. She forced herself
forward a few steps, shutting her eyes and bowing before Logarius. “Please save
our town!” Her eyes burned. “I know we can be difficult, but please… Someone
must do something.” She then felt a gloved hand on her face causing her to
whimper. The hand prodded her face up and she reluctantly opened her eyes
allowing the tears to flow. Thankfully, it was not Logarius, but Hiram she
faced. He was a much younger man, but his scarred face still betrayed years of
woman; do not be afraid.” His eyes greatly calmed her. “We will not bring harm
to you or your town. We are honor bound to the Old Oath to hunt this vermin and
protect all that is sacred.” The woman exhaled and her legs gave out. She felt
both relieved and faint: Hiram had touched her.
you really save us?” asked the mayor.
please go. And Godspeed to you.”
has nothing to do with it,” retorted Logarius. “If you’re finished with the woman,
Hiram...” Logarius turned and disappeared into the night.
cast one last look to the townsfolk and then looked at the woman. “This will be
done,” he said before following Logarius into the night.
the hunters stalked through the dense forest, night fell and the air became
frigid. They pressed on in spite of how dark the woods became. But as they
neared the Tower, a bloodied signpost came into view. Crucified to the post was
a creature like a wolf, but much more nightmarish with human-like hands, a face
in a perpetual snarl, and much less hair. Hiram walked around it as much as he
could without straying too far while Logarius didn’t even seem to notice
walking within inches of it.
they proceeded past the grizzly crucifixion, ghastly music could be heard.
There was a sound of something like a flute that sounded like a baby crying,
and drums being beaten to an executioner’s melody. Hiram crept closer to
Logarius who only pushed on.
the trees began to thin and a clearing could be seen. Hiram and Logarius took
cover from behind two wizened trees and looked on. There was the Tower; a tall,
strong stone structure that climbed upwards. It was settled on what appeared to
be the edge of a lake for it seemed that they had reached the end of world. But
both hunters knew, beyond the Tower was not still, black water, but a pit of
the abyss from which all manner of eldritch and otherworldly abominations descended.
front of the tower was a semi-circle of five stone pillars that increased in
height going for the outside in. Upon each pillar stood a maiden with long
black hair in a floor length skirt and a strange dark blouse that left their
middles bare. The five maidens were performing a lewd dance to the time of the
haunting music, whose source couldn’t be discovered. They shook and swayed
their hips in perfect synchronization in an attempt to appease their sinister
overlords. It didn’t matter for no matter how well their dancing pleased, once
the ritual ceased, these pagan whores would be given over to their demonic
masters to be raped and mutilated.
before the pillars stood an albino woman with pale skin and hair, and red eyes.
She was dressed in a blue, sheer robe that barely gave her any modesty. As the
hunters watched, Hiram noticed an ache stirring within his body aroused by the
mania caused by the dancers.
Suddenly, the music
escalated and along with it, the maidens intensified their dance. Finally, the
music reached its climax and a bolt of lightning struck the blue albino witch
igniting her in a pillar of flame. At the same time, the pagan dancers had
vanished from view, claimed by the pit.
As the pillar of fire
began to die, left in its place was a black shape that resembled a cocoon. It
wriggled and poked outwardly as whatever was within tried to free itself.
“Logarius,” said Hiram,
his voice trembling. “What is that?”
“A metamorphosis of some
kind. Stand your ground,” instructed Logarius, drawing his Hunter’s Cleaver.
Finally, a tear appeared
in the cocoon and a black ooze dribbled from it. Slender white fingers reached
out and grabbing either sides of the tear, ripped it open viciously. There stood
the figure of a shapely woman which slowly became more and more revealed as the
ooze ran off her leaving none of itself behind. Her skin and eyes were both
alabaster while her hair was black with a few white wisps. She was dressed in
only a loincloth, a partial dressing about her breast, nothing on her feet, and
a long, flowing black cape which gave Logarius the impression of skin. Once
clean of the ooze, she looked up at Hiram and Logarius.
“She knows we’re here,”
choked Hiram.
“Good,” replied Logarius.
“I abhor stealth.”
The woman then approached
the trees exaggerating her walk which accentuated her hips. Logarius focused in
on her and raised his sword, but just as he was about to charge, she
disappeared from view.
“Where did she go?” asked
Hiram. Then suddenly, she appeared beside him, hissing and spitting, showing a
face that could only be from the underworld. Hiram screamed and ran.
“Hiram!” shouted
Logarius, his fury rising. “Get back here, you piss-pant coward! Oath-givers
damn you!” Logarius looked to where the woman had appeared, but she was already
Logarius began to strafe
around in a circle with his blade raised. His pupils dilated and he was more
aware of everything around him. As he circled, he felt something lightly brush
his back. He turned, but nothing was there. He heard a whisper to his left, and
turning again, he saw nothing. Finally he heard the crunch of snow to his far
right. Turning again, he saw her in the distance, half hiding behind a tree and
peering between its branches coquettishly. She shook her hips slightly and
looked Logarius in the eye—his eyes narrowed and nostrils flared.
She disappeared again
only to reappear suddenly standing beside him grimacing fiercely. Logarius took
one step back and swung his sword, but it met empty air. He looked around the
trees again, this time spotting the creature a few yards away, their views of
each other completely unhindered. She draped her cape about her body as if to
appear modest only to peel it away slowly revealing her body. She then vanished
again and reappeared directly in front of him so close that their noses nearly
touched giving him an evil smile. Logarius retreated from surprise before
thrusting his sword forward. Again, she was gone.
As her strange act went
on, constantly disappearing and reappearing, exposure to her antics began to
build a tingly feeling below Logarius’s waist. But as this feeling grew, so did
his anger and he tried lashing out at her every time she appeared close to him.
Once when she had retreated, she gave him a hurtful look followed by an
arousing stare and pursed lips.
Logarius’s composure
snapped and he charged for her. She merely smiled and disappeared again, but
this time with a flash; and then she would reappear with a flash. Each time she
flashed before him, he ran at her screaming and swinging his cleaver wildly.
Every attack missed as she lured him deeper and deeper into the forest. Soon
they were in a very dark part of the forest and she continued to flash around
him, but instead of luring him further, she began to circle him and get closer
and closer. Logarius swung his sword in a circular motion at her. Eventually,
she flashed one last time, but did not reappear and Logarius stopped.
Logarius faced the night
and readied his sword. “Come on out, you harlot. I dare you.” Finally she did,
flashing right before his eyes. Logarius was so taken off guard that when he
jumped back, he tripped over a log and fell into a pit trap. He fell a good
dozen feet before landing hard on his back. The old hunter let out a wail and
was paralyzed in pain.
As he opened his eyes, he
saw her floating above him, her body parallel to his. She floated down to him
and he locked eyes with her. Her lips reached outward and once they met his, he
was hers.
Friday, October 23, 2015
Children of Bodom: I Worship Chaos Review
Another review that I did for Metal Xtreme. Original here:
I am at a loss for words when it comes to opening this review for Children of Bodom: I Worship Chaos, their newest album. I’m not sure what I can say about it that can’t be applied to the band’s past albums. To say that there are songs on Chaos that are aggressive with fantastic intros and solos, but have disappointing verses combined with all too awesome choruses would be like beating a dead horse. All those comments can be applied to almost every song COB has ever done. While it can be said that “once you’ve heard one COB album, you’ve heard them all”, it wouldn’t do the band’s hard work justice because of those certain hits and singles that top all of the others, like “Triple Corpse Hammerblow” (Hate Crew Deathroll, 2003) and “In Your Face” (Are You Dead Yet?, 2005). Because COB doesn’t stray far from firm-held themes and genre, it almost always seems like the same band record after record. While some bands, such as Avenged Sevenfold and Evanescence, experiment with their sound and always seem to be evolving, COB doesn’t really do that.
I am at a loss for words when it comes to opening this review for Children of Bodom: I Worship Chaos, their newest album. I’m not sure what I can say about it that can’t be applied to the band’s past albums. To say that there are songs on Chaos that are aggressive with fantastic intros and solos, but have disappointing verses combined with all too awesome choruses would be like beating a dead horse. All those comments can be applied to almost every song COB has ever done. While it can be said that “once you’ve heard one COB album, you’ve heard them all”, it wouldn’t do the band’s hard work justice because of those certain hits and singles that top all of the others, like “Triple Corpse Hammerblow” (Hate Crew Deathroll, 2003) and “In Your Face” (Are You Dead Yet?, 2005). Because COB doesn’t stray far from firm-held themes and genre, it almost always seems like the same band record after record. While some bands, such as Avenged Sevenfold and Evanescence, experiment with their sound and always seem to be evolving, COB doesn’t really do that.
However, for this album, not everything is the same old COBHC. Going through the track list, the songs that are very reminiscent of old COB are “I Hurt”, “My Bodom (I Am the Only One)”, “I Worship Chaos”, “Hold Your Tongue”, and parts of “Suicide Bomber”. This isn’t to say that these songs are bad. By all means, I rather enjoyed them all. The titular song, “I Worship Chaos” is close to being one of the best songs on the album. The reasons why it isn’t are because it’s overshadowed by the true best songs on the record, “Morrigan” and “Widdershins”, and because at the end of the song, several people can be heard laughing and screwing around. I really wish bands wouldn’t do that at the end of their songs, especially serious ones; it tends to ruin the ambiance of the song.
The songs however on Chaos that aren’t the usual COB are the aforementioned best two as well as “Prayer for the Afflicted”, “All For Nothing”, and the other parts of “Suicide Bomber”. I’ll return to “Morrigan” later, but regarding “Afflicted”, “Nothing”, “Bomber”, and “Widdershins”, all of these songs have much darker tones to them. You may wonder how it’s possible for a death metal band to be darker than it already is, but if you remember my review of Trivium’s Silence In the Snow, you should remember that I said many of the songs on that record are melancholic. Well, that’s how the above songs are darker—they’re melancholic, especially “Prayer for the Afflicted” which heavily reminds me of “Angels Don’t Kill” (Hate Crew Deathroll).
As for “Morrigan”, this song is very different from the usual Bodom affair in that it almost sounds like love song. Indeed, this analysis isn’t too far off base as Alexi Laiho, COB’s lead guitarist and singer, said on the “Making Of: I Worship Chaos” DVD that “Morrigan” is about a mortal man who is obsessively in love with a goddess. This is a true departure from COB’s usual lyrical themes of death, destruction, chaos, pain, and suicide. They even made a music video for it, but it confused the hell out of me and didn’t have the stereotypical appearance of the band jamming, so I don’t recommend watching it. But despite all that, “Morrigan” is still an awesome song with plenty of intrigue even if the aggression is toned down slightly. Laiho even said on the DVD that it is one of his favorites.
Lastly, there are four songs I haven’t mentioned: they are “Horns” and the three bonus tracks: “Mistress of Taboo”, “Danger Zone”, and “Black Winter Day”. I don’t know what it is about “Horns”, but for whatever reason I just don’t like it. In my notes, I refer to it as chaotic quite a few times which may be the reason why. One of the reasons why I listen to COB is because they are melodic death metal. There have been a few metal bands that I just simply can’t listen to because their “songs” just sound like a bunch of noise with no musicality to them whatsoever. “Horns” isn’t completely devoid of musicality, it does have a beat and features a great solo, but I just can’t get behind it. As for the bonus songs… oh boy. If you’re a fan of COB then you’ll know that it is often their pleasure to do covers of other songs and offer them on their albums as bonuses. And the songs they’ll cover vary widely in terms of genre. On Are You Dead Yet?, they did a cover of “Oops!… I Did It Again” by American pop princess Britney Spears. So, some of the covers that they do can be a little weird, i.e. Kenny Loggins’s “Danger Zone”. “Danger Zone” is one of those classic ‘80’s pop rock songs that is covered in that ‘80’s cheese that everything in the ‘80’s was covered in. It’s a cover that makes you want to laugh out loud. “Mistress of Taboo”, originally performed by shock and punk rock group The Plasmatics, features an interesting duet with Laiho and guest vocalist Wednesday 13, frontman of Murderdolls. Though, sometimes I swear I can hear a third voice, like original Plasmatics singer Wendy O. Williams. The third voice definitely seems feminine, but unless COB has found a way to resurrect the dead, she’ll have to be ruled out. “Taboo” also fills in COB’s requirement for a token party song on this album. Now “Black Winter Day” is much more like COB, which makes sense since it was originally performed by fellow Finnish metal act Amorphis. But in exchange for COB’s usual aggressiveness, this song features more melancholic tunes. But, out of the three bonus songs, the only one I would really recommend is “Mistress of Taboo”.
All in all, I highly recommend Children of Bodom’s I Worship Chaos. While most of it may be generic COB, generic COB is not a bad thing by any stretch of the imagination. And the songs that break away from generic COB definitely deserve to be heard and appreciated. On a scale of 1 to 5, I give I Worship Chaos a 4.5 out 5. If you like melodic death metal or are a long time member of the Hate Crew, you’ll love this album.
Trivium’s Silence In the Snow—A Valiant, but Melancholic Record
Here's an article I wrote for the heavy metal forum, Metal Xtreme. It is a review of Trivium's latest album, Silence In the Snow. See the original here:
While I was listening to Silence In the Snow, I also noted something unusual about Trivium—their music on this album has a strong melancholic and somber tune, almost like the band is mourning a loss. It’s a quality to their music that isn’t usually heard except for select songs. On Silence, I heard it in every song, including the bonus tracks. There were also more songs on this album that seemed to have (vaguely) romantic elements. The three songs where I picked this up are “The Ghost That’s Haunting You”, “Until the World Goes Cold”, and “The Thing That’s Killing Me”. Now, there’s nothing wrong with Trivium being romantic; in fact, one of my favorites of theirs, “This World Can’t Tear Us Apart”, I would consider to be a true power ballad (unlike songs like “Silent Lucidity” or “Every Rose Has It’s Thorn”). It’s just that Trivium isn’t known for romantic or sappy music. Again, it feels like the band has suffered a loss or Heafy broke up with his girlfriend. (Maybe he did, I don’t get involved in the personal lives of musicians.)
Something that also bothered me about this album was that there were songs that seemed almost like filler to me: “Dead and Gone”, “Pull Me From the Void”, and “Rise Above the Tides”. Despite two of the three making it onto my iPod, they all struck me as not quite good enough. Very few songs are 100% perfect, but some songs are better than others. And then some songs are 50/50, or have the bad about them hold down the good (that’s why I don’t listen to 30 Seconds to Mars or Slayer). These three songs all teeter on that 50/50 edge with “Pull Me” having what’s good about it be held back by what’s bad about it. I mean, I want to like these songs more than I do, but I just can’t.
So, despite all this grayness and badness, is there any reason to listen to Silence? I would argue there is. For me, the best songs on this album are the titular song, “Silence In the Snow” which was originally written for Shogun, “The Ghost” and “The Thing” despite their melancholic romantic overtones, and the bonus tracks, “Cease All Your Fire” and “The Darkness of My Mind” (which gets my vote as the best song on Silence). “The Ghost” and “The Thing” appeal to me because I’m just an angsty teenager at heart, but the other three are all about as close as one can get to what Trivium should be, like what they were in their heyday. These three are fast, furious, and have Trivium’s stylistic groove that makes you want to dance, and not just head bang. As for the other songs that I haven’t mentioned, they’re good enough to make my personal cut, but there’s nothing so remarkable about them that they’re worth mentioning. The biggest problem with Silence is that while it has the musical stylings and progressions of Trivium, that little indiscernible spark that is undeniably Trivium is missing.
In conclusion, is this album worth getting? Despite my review, I say yes, to both the new listener and Trivium fans of old. Fans will be slightly disappointed and underwhelmed with the presentation of Silence In the Snow, but there are gems here. As for the new listener, you could do worse than listen to Trivium. And who knows, my review may have been negative enough for you to lower your expectations and be completely blown away by what you actually hear. Trivium has that ability.
Some of you may be familiar with the American heavy
metal band Trivium. For those of you aren’t, they’re a power-thrash metal group
from Orlando, Florida who’s style tends toward the fast and aggressive, as a
good thrash band should, but there is also something epic about their sound,
even in their earlier work which was more metalcore. Trivium is one of my
favorite bands. Almost every song they’ve ever written is on my iPod and I own
all of their studio albums, one of the few bands that I can make this claim
about. So when I heard that they had a new album coming out in October, I had
high hopes for it. They’ve never let me down. Until now… kind of. Let me
Silence In the Snow marks a bit of a
departure from Trivium’s usual style. It is often the pleasure of Matt Heafy,
the band’s front man and one of their guitarists, to sing with unclean vocals,
or scream. He doesn’t do it with whole songs like in death metal, just with
certain lyrics. However, Silence
doesn’t have any unclean lyrics at all. Reports say that Heafy blew his voice
out in 2014 and started working with vocal coach Ron Anderson teaching him a
more melodic approach. Whether that’s a positive or negative is largely
subjective, but for those of us who have gotten used to Heafy’s screaming, we
definitely notice it missing.
thing that may have added to Trivium’s altered sound is that they have a new
drummer, Matt Madiro. Before him was Nick Augusto who played on In Waves (2011) and Vengeance Falls (2013). But, so what, right? Bands go through
line-up changes. Well I bring it to your attention because I believe their original
drummer, Travis Smith who played from Ember
to Inferno (2003) to Shogun
(2008), was one of the best drummers in all of heavy metal alongside others
like Joey Jordison of Slipknot and The Rev of Avenged Sevenfold. Since Smith’s
departure, there definitely seems to be something lacking in Trivium’s music.
Drums are tricky—when they’re good, they’re fucking great; but when they’re
mediocre or worse, they’re just sort of there.
Don’t misunderstand me, both In
Waves and Vengeance Falls have
some really great songs on them, and not everything done by Trivium before that
was immaculate, but something does feel missing since Shogun.While I was listening to Silence In the Snow, I also noted something unusual about Trivium—their music on this album has a strong melancholic and somber tune, almost like the band is mourning a loss. It’s a quality to their music that isn’t usually heard except for select songs. On Silence, I heard it in every song, including the bonus tracks. There were also more songs on this album that seemed to have (vaguely) romantic elements. The three songs where I picked this up are “The Ghost That’s Haunting You”, “Until the World Goes Cold”, and “The Thing That’s Killing Me”. Now, there’s nothing wrong with Trivium being romantic; in fact, one of my favorites of theirs, “This World Can’t Tear Us Apart”, I would consider to be a true power ballad (unlike songs like “Silent Lucidity” or “Every Rose Has It’s Thorn”). It’s just that Trivium isn’t known for romantic or sappy music. Again, it feels like the band has suffered a loss or Heafy broke up with his girlfriend. (Maybe he did, I don’t get involved in the personal lives of musicians.)
Something that also bothered me about this album was that there were songs that seemed almost like filler to me: “Dead and Gone”, “Pull Me From the Void”, and “Rise Above the Tides”. Despite two of the three making it onto my iPod, they all struck me as not quite good enough. Very few songs are 100% perfect, but some songs are better than others. And then some songs are 50/50, or have the bad about them hold down the good (that’s why I don’t listen to 30 Seconds to Mars or Slayer). These three songs all teeter on that 50/50 edge with “Pull Me” having what’s good about it be held back by what’s bad about it. I mean, I want to like these songs more than I do, but I just can’t.
So, despite all this grayness and badness, is there any reason to listen to Silence? I would argue there is. For me, the best songs on this album are the titular song, “Silence In the Snow” which was originally written for Shogun, “The Ghost” and “The Thing” despite their melancholic romantic overtones, and the bonus tracks, “Cease All Your Fire” and “The Darkness of My Mind” (which gets my vote as the best song on Silence). “The Ghost” and “The Thing” appeal to me because I’m just an angsty teenager at heart, but the other three are all about as close as one can get to what Trivium should be, like what they were in their heyday. These three are fast, furious, and have Trivium’s stylistic groove that makes you want to dance, and not just head bang. As for the other songs that I haven’t mentioned, they’re good enough to make my personal cut, but there’s nothing so remarkable about them that they’re worth mentioning. The biggest problem with Silence is that while it has the musical stylings and progressions of Trivium, that little indiscernible spark that is undeniably Trivium is missing.
In conclusion, is this album worth getting? Despite my review, I say yes, to both the new listener and Trivium fans of old. Fans will be slightly disappointed and underwhelmed with the presentation of Silence In the Snow, but there are gems here. As for the new listener, you could do worse than listen to Trivium. And who knows, my review may have been negative enough for you to lower your expectations and be completely blown away by what you actually hear. Trivium has that ability.
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